Monday, June 10, 2019


Happy Monday! Just sitting down over the weekend to think about what to share this coming week and while I've had plenty going on, I haven't taken many photos or thought about what to post this week. So, I'm winging it which almost never goes the direction I think it will!

The first thing I want to tell you is that I have been looking for a cute step stool for years. I mean, priorities, right?! I'm short {5'0"} and need a stool all the time, and we've had a serviceable but not cute one all this time until now. I was at a friend's house recently and saw her stool and she got hers at TJ Maxx, but I ordered mine on Amazon with birthday money! Yay! I am really enjoying them so far! And I love it that it was a set of two so I can keep one in the kitchen and one in the laundry room now.

These are supposed to be used for toddler stools, but they are working great for me as a step stool also!

Also, found this great mirror at a second-hand spot recently and have enjoyed the warmth of the wood in this corner. I've got a few things this color and am enjoying what it adds to our space.

I'm currently reading:
Dear Mama
Cozy Issue of Bella Grace

Speaking of Bella Grace, they are doing another Cozy Issue this year - I've submitted articles for the next three issues so I'll keep you posted on if they print any of them!

Currently watching: Downton Abbey - my Mom and I restarted the entire series after visiting the Exhibition and I'm in the final season but still have several episodes to go. So many things I'd forgotten about!

Listening to:
The Next Right Thing podcast
Shane & Shane: His Mercy is More
Travis Ryan: The Goodness of the Lord
Piano & Cello Music

Working on:
plans for family camping trip coming up
download that will accompany the release of my book
re-thinking some routines for the beginning of the school year: I like to do this every summer

Ok, your turn! What are you enjoying lately? Listening to? Reading? Working on? And I'll be back with something new I'm trying later in the week!

*There are Amazon affiliate links provided in this post.

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