Monday, January 07, 2019

Reflect, Refocus, Reset, Soul Declutter

A new year brings opportunity to do some inner work - looking back at the year completed and looking forward to the blank canvas of the year ahead. What will God do in and through me this year? How will I grow in my understanding and knowledge of Him?

Yesterday afternoon, I pulled on some cozy socks and a nubby sweater and climbed into my warm flannel sheets. Here are some of my favorite resources for taking a little quiet time at the beginning of the new year for reflection and refocus.

Reflect & Refocus Worksheets

Sally Clarkson: Decluttering my Soul

Reset Retreat printable cards from Magnolia Journal

The Best Year reflection sheet for kids and adults

A Blessing for the New Year with Emily Freeman

Do you have any favorite resources or links to add? What are your favorite ways of getting started intentionally in the new year?

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