Tuesday, December 11, 2018

November/December Goals

It's that time again to look at monthly goals and review how I did last month! Now that it is December and I did this every month, I have to say it was a great experience and so much more effective than doing annual goals!

November goals
- make pumpkin french toast
- have a small medical procedure taken care of
- host Rachel's Challenge class for Friendsgiving and service project
- set a fun Fall table for my family - maybe Thanksgiving breakfast?
- make pumpkin bread, how can it be almost Thanksgiving and I haven't made any yet?!
- do something crafty just because
- watch a cozy Thanksgiving or Christmas movie, any suggestions?

All of these were completed and it feels good to have been intentional about a few Fall things I still wanted to do!

Now, with December already upon us - my goals for this month are very simple: take a trip to see my parents {we are in Colorado right now!} and enjoy lots of slow, down time together as a family over the Christmas holiday.

What are your goals this month? How will you find time for slowing down?

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