Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Slow Day

My children have been wanting to play Chopped again for quite some time so as part of our Family Fun Day - I let them go for it! Moms, take note: if you have limited ingredients and limited energy and your children are begging to cook - LET THEM! Ha! It was great and I was so impressed with their creativity.

I took photos of each dish as some day I bet they will laugh hysterically about all of this!

Appetizer Round: {Emily, Rachel, Samuel - photos in order from top to bottom} They were required to use tortillas, parmesan cheese and lettuce.

Entree Round - required ingredients were turkey lunch meant, french bread and dijon mustard. Again in same order as above:

Dessert Round - required ingredients were a chocolate popsicle, whipped cream and mini chocolate chips. Samuel named his dish "Chocolate Volcano" and I think that is accurate for all three!

The kitchen aftermath:

And then Quiet Time:


Simply Quaint said...

Oh what fun.....I love seeing creativity in children...wonderful memories....may I ask what show you were watching, I was trying to figure it out by the character but couldn't......

Thank you


Monica Wilkinson said...

@Rhonda - Thanks! We were watching Anne of Avonlea :)

Billie Jo said...

What a wonderful idea!!!
Love your cozy home and days with your children.
Same here!!!