I loved all of your comments last time I did an open chat and it was a fun post to write, so let's do it again!
First, some littles creativity lately. Rachel and her horse drawn carriage - can you see it?! And, Samuel's new vehicles with pilots - oh my word. He had a BALL doing this!
Have you heard of this Torchlighters series? Awe.some. Seriously, they are well done and inspiring courageous faith in younger hearts. Plus, you can get the whole set of twelve for a $50 donation to Voice of the Martyrs. Win-win-win. Love.
Yesterday I made homemade English Muffins - yum! It is what we are having for breakfast this morning, glad for another use for my sourdough starter. Also, look at that vintage produce basket - thrifted this week, I love it!
Speaking of food - I've been drooling over the PW cookbooks and am making her Chicken and Steak Fajitas, homemade tortillas, seasoned black beans and lime rice for lunch today. Tortillas are made, meat is marinating, veggies are all chopped. YUM!!!!!!!!!
A few posts I've enjoyed lately:
Grace Plan for a New Year
100 Ways for Your Family to Make a Difference
Decluttering Your Soul
Turning Home Into a Temple
Burn the Candles
We've been using the Ways to Make a Difference post for Family Night inspiration this month and really enjoying serving together. More on that soon.
I made these cute canning jar S&P's in about five minutes. Literally. via this inspiration
Would love to print Chat Books from my IG photos but my phone says it is not compatible with their app. Probably too "old" :) Still a fun idea to file away for the future!
Started reading Charlotte's Web to my sweets this week - so fun to hear their giggles over the antics of that gaggle of animals! This is a well-loved copy from my childhood that my Aunt gave me!
Well, how was that for random?! I'm off to a church yard sale this morning - yippee! And, then there is this from yesterday - poor guy not feeling good, but woke up feeling better this morning!
What are you up to today? Happy Saturday!
I love your "brain dump" posts; so fun and conversational!
I'm enjoying the start to a 3 day weekend. While I have stuff to do, I'm purposely slowing down and relaxing. We do need to grocery shop today and I'm actually looking forward to it since I am in a season of working full time(a substitute position that has lasted several months longer than planned!) and my sweet husband has been doing the shopping for me. But I do miss it!
Those salt and pepper shakers are so so cute!
Love, love the s&p shakers! Of course I love all things Mason jar. :)
We are still reading the Little House series as a family each evening. When I move the kitchen chairs into the living room to mop they always become a covered wagon. It make my heart swell!
The most recent movie for Charlotte's Web is good. We watch it often and giggle.
You should devote a post to your sourdough starter. I would be interested in your thoughts. Worth the time? What are you using it for?
This morning we are off to Home Depot. Megan's room is getting a little makeover and we need to pick up a few things. Spackle, paint, rollers... fun things like that!
Have a great weekend!
Love the sweet heart s of imagination play! The English muffin looks divine! Have a wonderful blissful weekend
so lovely -- English muffins look amazingly good and the imaginations of the children is such a wondrous gift that you are nurturing beautifully .... congrats
Garth Williams signed your copy of Charlotte's Web?? I gasped!!
Burn the Candles was a great read!
English muffins are much trickier to make when eating gluten-free. Yours look beautiful...wish I could eat them!
I do have a sourdough start that is free of gluten. It is good but too much to stay on top of for me.
We will have the black beans and lime rice for dinner tomorrow. Thanks for the recipes and your post!
Love your salt and pepper shakers...love mason jars. And your English muffins in the vintage crate❤️. We a wonderful find!
I spent part of my Saturday relaxing in the sun and enjoying some much needed one on one time with my husband and then the second half on a plane heading home to see the kiddos. It was my birthday as well.
Happy Sunday
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the s/p shakers! I found a box of those zinc lids at a yard sale-the original box, nonetheless! I am going to have to do this! I'm going to check out those links, especially the declutter one. :)
I have been contemplating this question a lot lately... "if I KNEW I only had x number of days left" what silly activities would I give up and what would I do more of-- can I tell you that running and going to the mall may not make the cut :-) I'm totally waiting breathlessly for each episode of Season 5 Downton Abbey... although, I must say, I think Seasons 1 and 2 are still my favorites! I am thinking and praying a lot about REST lately... not freedom from activity, but REST... loved your posts on this so far!
I agree with Wendi.. we need a post on the sourdough starter...:-)
Love all of the pictures and inspiration. Love the salt and pepper shakers and your creativity is Inspiring.
Today my husband took the 3 kids to the movies that we had a gift card for and then went to Chick fa la for lunch. Did you know if you save the movie stub you can get an 8 piece nugget for free (eat in only). Not that we all go a lot usually it is a date for the older 3.
I stayed home and carpet cleaned, because one of my little's had a fever and puked. Joy.
Made a roast in the crock pot, also made homemade French bread in the bread machine.
Wish I could go yard sailing with you, *sigh* you get such the coolest finds. Its to cold in PA for yardsales:(
Love the creativity and imagination! Thanks for sharing :)
Glad Samuel is feeling better - love you, Mom
I have not watched any of the Torchlighters yet but I noticed some of the episodes are available through JellyTelly. We have an annual subscription to JellyTelly and our family has loved the "What's In the Bible" series and many of their science videos. I highly recommend JellyTelly.
Just saying hello!
I really enjoy your blog and your sharing the adventures of your lovely family ( immediate and extended!)
-Kim from Philadelphia
I do believe that my phone is too outdated for the IG books, as well. Sigh... I use the Project365 app to chronicle the year with a picture and caption for each day. You may want to check that out, as I think that you can print the finished year into a book.
I liked the Sat morning post as a compilation of the links that caught your attention from the week. I didn't get to fully read it until now since we spent the weekend away. We went to Valley Forge, PA to tour Washington's winter encampment there. An ice storm kept us lingering in the hotel longer than we planned. I love found unplanned time!
It's hard to imagine yard saling at this time of year. Will you use those cool forks for eating or another purpose?
I read through the compilation of ways to make a difference. I wish I had planned more intentionally to make this a day of service, as that tends to be the emphasis of MLK day, which my kids had off from school.
@ Mary Ann: Thanks, friend - fun to see your name pop up!
@ Wendi: A sourdough post is a good idea! Hooray for a covered wagon kindred spirit :)
@ Jenny: My aunt got it signed for me when I was a little girl, definitely special!
@ Kelli: Happy Birthday!
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