I recently had the privilege of sharing at our monthly homeschool meeting and am posting what I shared here as well. May it be a blessing and bring glory to God!
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Welcome! Let me give you a quick overview of what to expect for the hour. I
am a writer, not a speaker – so you may find me reading to you rather than
speaking to you. But this is what we are going to do tonight: We are going to
start by quieting our hearts and lightening our load. We will do some group
study together and then I was thinking about one thing moms crave and at least
for me and that is time to sit with Jesus and be still. So we will have some of
that as well. And I’ll close us in prayer.
Let's begin by quieting our hearts: during this time
of quieting think of one or more burdens you are carrying right now – jot it
down on a card in the middle of your table. {For those of you reading my blog, the cards are pictured above if you want to print one off.} We are going to lighten our load
tonight, bring our baggage to Him and leave it for Him to carry. You can come
up any time during the song and drop your card in the suitcase for Him to
carry. Don’t put your name on it, this is for you alone.