Friday, September 05, 2014

Nature Poems

These poems were written during our Slow Day adventure - sort of a group effort spear headed by both girls!

Gentle breeze bright and sunny.
Hopping, hopping goes the bunny
Buzzy, buzzy goes the bee
Flutter, flutter of butterfly wings.

Chirping squirrels, chattering birds,
came to be when God spoke Creation words.
God's creation will praise His name
forever and ever and ever more.

August 21st, Bonclarken NC

God's Creation is Great

Leaves and twigs
Pinecones and pokeys
God's Creation is Great!

Caterpillars, moss,
mushrooms and rocks.
God's Creation is Great!

Feathers, needles,
berries and flowers.
God's Creation is Great!

Bark and sticks,
holly and grass.
God's Creation is Great!

Big, small, rough, smooth,
soft and hard, colorful beauty.
God's Creation is Great!