Thursday, August 29, 2013

Sweet Sunday

After days so humid David rightly says you could take a bath outside, we woke up on Sunday morning to 70 degrees and a lovely breeze - and it was not overly humid! It smelled and felt like Fall and when we came out of church it was still lovely and we picnicked right in our own front yard!

What a glorious and relaxing way to spend part of our Sunday afternoon! Yummy, slooooow lunch, laying down and looking up at the sky and trees, watching butterflies and ants and hummingbirds, listening to outside sounds, and just slowing down. Unfortunately, Emily ate inside because there was an ant by her - so no photos of Emily during our luncheon - sad.

Snuggles, giggles, wonder, rest, nourishment to body and soul - a lovely time outside! Thank You, Lord, for the gift of an unusually Fallish day! Oh, and Emily joined us for dessert!