Monday, July 22, 2013
Spontaneous. That could have been my alternate title today. It was spontaneous to head to the Farmer's Market early Saturday to snag these zinnias. And, they inspired a spontaneous picnic. Do you do that too? When I have something lovely like fresh flowers, I want to enjoy them and make a happy memory with them.
And, lunch was packed in just a few minutes and we were off to a boat dock that only David had ever been to and we were spontaneous and together. Divine.
Food tastes so good outdoors, doesn't it? I think it does! In addition to a yummy lunch and togetherness, these three had fun watching boats enter the water. Why yes, Samuel's shirt is on inside out - he says he wanted it that way!
Moments like these help life to slow down, enable us to savor what we have right now and create thankfulness. The investment of time is small compared to what we can reap. All I can that I'm feeling right now is thankful.
Thankful for the souls sharing my picnic blanket, thankful for the ants that catch their attention, delight and attacks, thankful for food and flowers and quilts that are art and make life beautiful.
Thankful for the abundant freckles this home has been blessed with. Thankful for systems and schedules and how they are blessing. Thankful for walking by faith and walking in obedience and the peace it brings. Thankful to be home, to make it a haven, a place of learning and training in God's ways.
Thankful for sheet music and ribbons tied around a jar of flowers. Thankful for one who grows the flowers when I am just not able to manage that right now. Thankful for the beauty of outside to enjoy and the health to enjoy it. Thankful for cameras and their ability to capture snapshots of beauty. Thankful for the hummingbirds that visit our feeder.
I'm thankful for the beauty in the blur. I love photos with a well-used blur (bokeh) in the background that make something closer look crisp and uncluttered by what is behind. What is behind is still part of the picture and adds beauty but in a softer way. Life is like that don't you think? We focus on the things closest to us and it's beauty and the background is still part of it and adds to it but only when we have it in the proper perspective.
Today is Rachel's Birthday - 7 years old already! How the time is flying by. I'll probably be back tomorrow with another list of things to be thankful for in celebrating her today!