Monday, September 10, 2012

{Open Tabs}

I love reading Miss Mustard Seed's blog and can't wait to read her new book - look at the lovely title!

I just printed my checklists from Organized Christmas - I love doing this each year and taking little nibbles out of Christmas preparations each week!

Have you ever made fried tacos? My friend Melissa got me started (though we prefer flour tortillas) and they are SO yummy!

I'm looking for a vintage china cabinet to use for charming book storage - I love the shape and style of this one and I do want to paint it {thought not this dark}

Grace in the Moment ~ a lovely printable from the lovely Joy.

I'm intrigued by the idea of a Good Morning Girls Bible Study e-group. Anyone want to join me and form our own group? I'd love to keep it to less than ten ... please e-mail me if you're interested. {thehomespunheart (at) hotmail (dot) com} Thanks to Wendi for this link! I'd even more love to do this Hello Mornings Challenge - it's full for now, but maybe in the future! I don't know about you - but lately I really need the accountability and encouragement in my Quiet Time routine.

I read Kelle Hampton's book Bloom last week. Could. not. put. it. down. Full disclosure: the language is rough and I can in no way endorse everything in the book - but I was inspired and she is definitely a beauty-lover like me and  I saw myself in her words and thoroughly enjoyed all the photos!

I've been using my "new" camera for 8 months now and ready to learn more! Happy to discover a series of 38 videos explaining manual, custom and auto modes!

 I downloaded this free ebook and am eager to learn and be reminded of making the most of mornings! While you're at this blog, check out Why and How to take a Weekly Retreat; Why and How to take a Yearly Retreat.

Enjoying listening to Hillsong Live!

If you only check out one link today, I'd suggest this one: 5 Simple Ways to Be a Peaceful Mom!


Shelby said...

Love the pictures. I need to get more use out of my camera. Love your eye for beauty.

Wendi said...

I subscribed to Inspired to Action. They had me at "tips to make it easier to crawl out of your cozy bed." I really need to stop hitting that snooze button from 6-6:30 and get up on the first ring!

Miss Mustard Seed.... ahhhh... it was hard not to buy up everything when I saw her booth at Lucketts.

I just sent you an e-mail your Good Morning Group. I love this idea!

*carrie* said...


Beautiful apples!

Interested in Bible study, but couldn't quite understand from site what it entails.

Do you own the Bloom book? Add it to my pile if so. =)

Love you!

Stephanie said...

I love your blog...and I love the sweater you are wearing in the photo!