1. If you could be any kind of bird what kind would you be?
I was scouring my brain to think of a sweet, tiny, peaceful little bird - that is the bird I'd choose. The first kind of bird I thought of was a sparrow - it is tiny though I don't know how sweet or peaceful they are. But, being mentioned in Psalms as finding a home near the altar of the Lord is what solidified my answer. What better place to nest - but near Him!
2. What is the best way you have found to make new friends?
Well, there are friends and then there are friends. {Get it?} The second kind is something that just seems to come naturally - we have a connection and it is God-sent not generated by us. In any case though, to make new friends isn't it best if we are a friend? We invite or respond to an invitation, smile, wave, get to know each other, remember a favorite thing and then surprise them with some, etc... Give and show beauty! Be real, be honest. I'm reminding myself here too because I can tend to be afraid to take the first step and it makes me come across as snobby or shy sometimes. But, when I think of how that feels in reverse - it isn't so pleasant. What do you think?
3. If you were assured of success what would you do?
Write a book. I'm not completely sure why or what the book would be about - but this was the very first thing that came to mind!
4. What 'sayings' did the most impactful male role model in your life say?
When I think of my Dad, it is less about the words he said or his sayings and more about his presence, his attitude, his life lived out in front of me. These spoke volumes more to me than words {which he has few} and these pictures are what stick with me as making an impact on who I am!
5. What is the best way you have found to make someone smile?
At the risk of sounding like number 2 - smile first! Let my smile be real and come from a deep place. Here's something I don't share very often - I like to make people laugh! I smile at people in the grocery store! And, sometimes they even smile back ...
6. What makes you feel pretty?
{Here's the picture I wanted to use but wasn't able to save it}
{Here's the picture I wanted to use but wasn't able to save it}
For me, it is a combination of things. I need to feel good in what I'm wearing, be at peace with my hair, etc... but if my heart is a wreck none of that matters. When my heart is at rest in Him - I'm more likely to feel pretty inside and out! Creating and beauty make me feel pretty too - doing what He created me to do!
7. If they were to make a movie about your life what star should play you?
I love watching Amy Adams in movies! Not saying I can endorse everything she's been in - but the few movies I've seen with her, I've loved her acting and flair.
Old stuff! Canning jars, enamelware, anything that catches my eye and I would enjoy in my home. Oh, and I collect memories too!
I love watching Amy Adams in movies! Not saying I can endorse everything she's been in - but the few movies I've seen with her, I've loved her acting and flair.
Old stuff! Canning jars, enamelware, anything that catches my eye and I would enjoy in my home. Oh, and I collect memories too!
9. Have you ever wished to change your first name and if so, what would you change it to?
I'm sure there was a point when I was younger that I had glamorous ideas of another first name. But, I honestly really do like my name! It isn't very common, I love what it means, and seems to suit me {you know how some names just suit that person!}
I'm sure there was a point when I was younger that I had glamorous ideas of another first name. But, I honestly really do like my name! It isn't very common, I love what it means, and seems to suit me {you know how some names just suit that person!}
Would you chime in? I'd love to hear your thoughts on these 9 things too! Thanks for the fun, Amy!
Hey! Amy tagged me too, and I just popped in to read your answers. They are fantastic, and your blog is absolutely beautiful! Have a blessed night!
Tricia - Two Tiaras and a Sword
Loved these responses! :) Dad was especially touched by what you said about his influence on you :):) -- love you! Mom
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