Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mason Jar Lid Pies

I recently saw these little mini pies on Pinterest and knew I wanted to make them! I have tons of mason jar lids and what a fun way to make tarts without buying tart pans! To top all of that off - David's aunt and uncle have a pecan farm in Georgia and sent me a big box of fresh shelled pecans from their farm - what a gift!

So, one evening when I had a friend over for movie, crafting and fun - I made these little delights - mini desserts are so fun!

I loved the tart dough - all done in the food processor - I had success with pie crust for once! And, since you don't have to roll it out - just press into the lids, even better. Then, I tried a family recipe for pecan pie that David's aunt included with all the pecans and my sweet friend shared some whipping cream from her fridge.



Lisa said...

Oh my! They look so delicious and cute!!!! ...and so fun to have a movie/ crafting night with a friend. :-) it is such a blessing to read about all the ways you use your gifts in life. :-)

More than Survival said...

What a GREAT idea!!! I think I will make this the next time I have "snack duty" for my Bible study group! CUTE and I have a LOVE of canning jars so this goes right along with my personality. Thanks for sharing!

Mom said...

Perfect for you -- mason jar lid pies! :) Fun! Love you, Mom

Annie said...

Yum! Fresh pecans are one of the things I miss most from our time in SC... We always spent Thanksgiving afternoon picking up pecans - a great way to work off a wonderful meal. One of these days I'll get back there!

I love the idea, by the way, of making the tarts in the jar lids. They are the perfect size!

Kathy said...

oh they look so good! Love it!

Mind sharing the recipe?

Jessica said...

SOOOO cute and yet they look delicious too!

Heather's Blog-o-rama said...

Wow, Monica ....

These look GREAT...and you know what? As I kid, I LOVED to buy/eat those mini pecan I can make my own :)Pecan pie is one of my favorites ;) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather ;)

Melissa said...

Yum indeed! I can attest to the tastiness of these little creations. So pretty to look at too, which makes them taste even better!!!

More than Survival said...

We lived in GA for a year when I was 10... We had a pecan (southern pronounced "pee-can") tree in our yard... I still say pecan with southern twang.... my hoosier (Indiana) friends look at me like I'm crazy! Here it is pronounced "pee-con".... :) I keep thinking about these little pies!