Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Days of Beauty: Bringing Beauty Home

Once we have cared for the beauty we already have, we can take the tidying one step further and clean! Today, I'll be focusing on getting my home clean!

In addition, it seems that each of us have a unique ability to bring beauty into our own homes. We are women, we are created to care for and bless our homes. It doesn't mean we all have to be crafty! It means that we bring what God has given us in the creative department and use it to be a blessing of beauty in our own homes.

It means that we look for ways to bring God's Word into our homes, it can be a simple as lighting a candle and setting a pretty table for dinner. It means bringing a piece of ourselves and God's Creation into the life of our home.

Ok, how will you bless your home today with the beauty God has placed within your heart and abilities?

Psalm 23:6 (The Message), "Your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life. I'm back home in the house of God for the rest of my life."

If you can believe it - I only took one photo today and it was of Samuel sleeping... so, no pictures to share today.

However, we did have a good morning in school and I worked at some cleaning that needed to be done today. I had hoped to get my Fall decorations done today, but it did not happen.

I swept, vacuumed, cleaned both bathrooms and cleaned up the screened porch. I also finished the remaining cloth napkins to give my friend a set of 12.

What did I do to create beauty today?

* Help another.

* Love on my children. I didn't lose my cool today - God's grace alone.

* Took care of our home and felt so thankful for it.

How about you?


petrii said...

Good morning Monica,
I posted kind of an unconventional Days of Beauty post today. Thank you doing this. I am finding beauty in so many things. It's really opening up my heart vision.

Have a Blessed day ~~ Dawn

Carrie said...

I needed the encouragement to stick with the mundane today! And while your post was not mundane, (no, that's not what I'm saying! ;D it did help me to readjust my attitude this morning.

Abbi said...

Thank you for your encouraging post!

I posted again today as well if you would like to visit:

Tim and Susan said...

Thanks for your interesting posts that inspire and bless me.

Just so you know I awarded you (along with others) the "Versatile Blog award" on my blog.

Play along if you would like, but feel more than free not too....Just wanted to stop by with a comment to say "I've enjoyed your blog and that you've blessed me".
Blessings, Susan