* We had a fun Valentine's Day
* I woke up in the middle of the night with a sore throat
* My friend Grace came the next day for a visit
* While I laid on the couch shivering with fever - she fixed dinner for my family (that is true friendship!)
* We had a great time together even if I was feeling puny
* My house is a wreck
* I went to the dr.
* Strep test: negative
* Flu test: negative
* Rx: Penicillin
* Grace's last afternoon - we made these! Why yes, we do have matching sewing machines!
* There was a mountain of laundry
* I started feeling better and tackled some of the aforementioned challenges
* We had Family Night!
* Cars for the AWANA Grand Prix were decorated (a Christmas Tree and a Snowman - their ideas!)
* David took me to a lovely cozy restaurant for a delicious dinner celebrating our 7th Anniversary!
* This is what he gave me:
* David is shocked that I actually want to use something for the purpose it is intended for :)
* Sunday I spent the day in bed with a splitting headache
* I discovered this delightful movie
* My house is still a wreck
* My bed is not made
* I was pulled over for the first time
* I got my first speeding ticket
* I came home in tears
* Today I finally felt myself again!
* We had a great day at CC
* I finally cleaned my toilet
* Still working on the house, but thankful to be feeling better!
* The seeds I ordered for my garden came today and now I have Spring Fever!
That's it for now - I probably won't post for the rest of the week to catch up!
HI Monica, Wow you have been busy and sicky, too. I hope you feel completely better soon!!! Your friend Grace sounds like a real sweetheart...and to make you/your family dinner hwen you weren't feeling well...that's just the bestest!!!! Oh and matching sewing machines? That's great!!!! Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
What a "fun" week! Glad you're on the mend now, and I hope your little people don't come down with it!
That lamp is beautiful! As for a wick and oil, any store (generally a mom and pop type hardware store) that sells old fashioned type items should carry that. Otherwise, you can order from here:
The most wonderful store on earth after the fabric store. Really, if you ever come to or pass through Ohio, and it is at all possible, you have to stop there, you would love it!
Hope you can find you lamp parts!
Oh my! Quite a week you had! So sorry about the sickness you had and the frustrations and struggles you had to deal with...but how wonderful for such a good friend and wonderful time with your family! :)
Your oil lamp is just beautiful! I have many...I use them often and just love them! Yes, you will definitely need a wick and lamp oil. I am not sure if you have the same stores, down in SC as we do, here in PA. I can recommend some online sites, though if you would like!
Warm wishes to you and your family, Monica! xo
Thanks for the update, Monica ~ I admit I had been praying for you not knowing what had caused your AWOB (Absent Without Blogging)~ ha!
Hope you are feeling much better now! Happy belated anniversary!!
Love the lamp! My hubby bought me one a few years ago...and yes...very Ma Ingalls indeed and oh so cozy! I'll have to check with him where to get oil/wicks as we haven't used it in a long time!
Sorry about the ticket ~ that's not fun...I know from experience.
Praying for rest and recovery!
Hope you get to feeling better soon. Thats nice you had a friend to help you out. and visit. Your oil lamp is really nice. I love how they look when it lights up a room. I love Little House. Those are my favorite movies.
I have missed your blog! My husband changed our hard drive months ago and I lost the bookmark to your blog and it has taken me this long to remember enough of your blog title to find you again. :)
So how fitting your latest post was an update on what's been going on lately for you. lol.
Ooh, lovely gift. We had several of these growing up and actually used them for centerpieces and special occasions. I think you can find lamp fuel and wicks either at a camp store or an old country store... I'm sure there are many websites, maybe even Amazon. Have fun!
You can get wicks and oil at Walmart.
I hope you're feeling better soon!
It seems we have some of the same things going on... started antibiotic today, still feeling crudy, house is a wreck, hubby cleaned the toilet tonight:), have had take out more nights then I want to admit (and I am tired of it!), house is still a wreck!
I am glad that you are feeling better I hope to join you on the other side of the sickies soon!
You certainly don't have to use kerosene, which is good because the fumes smell. I found lamp oil and wicks in our local walmarts here in the camping department. Enjoy! Happy anniversary!!
Wicks and fuel can be bought at WalMart in the camping section and sometimes in the candle section.
Oh Monica sorry that you were sick: ( So sweet of Grace to help you out with dinner! I pray you're feeling much better: ) Oh and Happy Belated Anniversary! Love, Christy S.
I thought it came with a wick; I have one similar. Walmart has the big bottles of fuel.
glad your feeling better...oh, and SO SORRY about the ticket...I had one of those recently, too!!☺ cute post!
Hope you are feeling better! I bought two lamps at Ben Franklin and used their 40 percent off coupon. I am not sure if you have the Ben Franklin craft store where you are at. I also saw the fuel at Walmart. I have a question if you don't mind - for those of you who use the lamp almost every day, how often to you have to re-fuel? I am putting oil in it about every other day and it can get a bit expensive! And I am not sure if it is my wicks or what but my flame is so small. Thanks again and hope you get to feeling better! Amy from NC.
Are you sure you just didn't have Spring Fever all along?? (ha) ;)
I'm sorry you've been going through all of that... I know what it's like to be "laid up" and have dear friends stick around and "serve" like your friend Grace did. That is grace!
Happy Anniversary! And I hope things will settle out and that this week (so far) has been and will continue to be a blessing.
It is never a good feeling to have to let your house go when you are feeling sick. I am still recovering my self from pneumonia. Most of it is gone except for the cough that comes right before bed.
Blessing to you that you are getting better.
Hugs..good thoughts, prayers and wishing you to continue to feel better.
You can usually find the lamp oil and wicks at Walmart or if you have some sort of hardware store near you--check there.
We have a glass oil lamp that we always keep handy for power outtages ! Works wonderfully for that and when you just want the ambiance of a soft glow. Enjoy !
Hi Monica, I loved the "random update". I am glad that you are feeling better! You are a blessing to me!
What a week you've had! And so wonderful of Grace to be a true friend to help you (thanks, Grace!!). I'm glad to see the photos and am glad you are feeling better now -- thinking of you with love, Mom
Hi! Monica....
I've seen the wicks next to the lamp fuel at Walmart. I think in the candle section.
Take Care!
Monica, So sorry you are under the weather and hope you get well soon. Happy Anniversary and I have several lamps. Looks like a lot of people told you where to get the oil and wick. If you place the lamp in front of a mirror you will double the light it will give off. I know becasue we have several of those lamps and we NEED to use them often because we are up north where power goes out a lot! Get well.
I purchase wick and fuel for our lamp at Walmart. It's not really that hard to find. If you have lots of trouble try, Lehmans.com. Speaking as a fellow Little House lover, be careful, you might fall in LOVE with everything there.
Sorry you haven't been feeling well. Thanks for the real-life glimpse into your home--hope everything is back in balance soon. :)
Lots of living and loving happened in the midst of those bullet items! Hope you are feeling much better today.
We have been dealing with our fair share of misfortune, too. I looked into our backyard yesterday and saw a black cat sunning itself under a pine tree. Even though I harbor no superstitions, I wanted that creature to leave my yard!
I love your description of feeling "puny." I'm trying to remember what book I'm remembering that from...
Wow your friend Grace sounds amazing. ;) heehee. it helps that you had the dinner already planned. You know me and planing meals.
Yay for feeling better and BOOOO on the speeding ticket. Bill and I got our first tickets there too. Not fun!!!! We went to court and thankfully they were lowered drastically.
Love you friend!
Bless your heart Monica. So glad you are feeling better. Sounds like you had some good times thrown in with some yucky sick times.
What a great friend you have. It must of been God's timing she was visiting.
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