Is your heart like mine? When you open your mail box - does your heart skip a beat when you see a handwritten note waiting inside for you?! I love getting personal mail!
And, I've loved sending cards too - so I was very thrilled to win a years supply of cards from
Dayspring via
Ann's post over at
(in) courage! Wow!!!

My cards came one afternoon and I had the box open in mere moments - heading outside shortly after to start writing! The mosquitos were terrible - so I only made it through one card out in the yard - but sat on our screened in porch to write a few more!
I loved looking through all the cards and having different friends brought to mind when I saw a certain card. Sometimes words feel like such a small thing to offer to one who is hurting, to one who has been a blessing, to one I appreciate, to one I admire.

Yet, words encourage me and I have to hope that even my feeble words penned to a friend will be an encouragement by God's grace. I hold out in trust that a beautiful card may bring beauty into a day where beauty otherwise might be absent. A card. A note. Such a seemingly small thing.
How many times has a genuine and special note brought tears to my eyes? Restored the joy in my day? Refreshed my soul? Reminded me that someone believed in me and loved me?
Yes, a few feebly written handwritten words are precious indeed.

I love getting a card as well. Thanks for the reminder to get back to writing some for others. How easy it is to forget the simple things.
I'm definitely with you on this topic. I love handwritten notes. I look forward to getting the mail each day just in case there's a card from a friend, although I know most of my friends don't feel the same way I do about mail.
I also love to mail newspaper clippings or coupons or pictures my son drew to someone I think might appreciate them.
I too LOVE to send cards.
Ha--I'm sending you a little something today already!
Those cards are beautiful--what a fun prize.
Hope it's a good day at CC!
I so love a good "old fashioned" handwritten card/note. In this day, it seems that everyone has taken to Facebook or some other techno savy way to keep up-to-date and in contact with others; however, I feel so much is lost in that. To be able to actually hold a card or note (specially selected with you in mind), to see the handwriting of the person who cared enough to write (the handwriting that belongs to only that person, whether it be sloppy or beautiful), and to be able to carry that special note with you wherever you go (not just have it stare at your from a cold computer screen) can have so much more of an impact. This is, of course, my humble opinion. (-: Not only do I love to receive them, but I enjoy the opportunity to be able to touch others that way, -- and now, after reading today's blog, am even more inspired to write more! Thank you!
The beautiful setting you created for penning words to loved ones had to come through in your message. When we are happy with our surroundings, it shows.
I love the covers of the cards from Dayspring. Were they from a certain collection?
What a beautiful - peaceful, restful - post.
I love hand written notes, too. Both to give and to recieve. Which doesn't happen often enough for either.
There needs to be a club for this... ;) don't you think?
YES...as a lover of notecards , I so enjoy getting real mail. I love the computer, we all must,obviously, but truly I miss the card, the note, the...LETTER...handwritten ....need to work at doing it myself as well.
What a great giveaway to win!
I am the same way when I see a card, letter or package in the mail. I believe it does makes someone else's day to receive a card or a handwritten word of encouragement. It makes them feel loved and special that someone took the time to write something out in a way that is less convenient and more consuming of their time.
I'll take a handwritten note any day over an email. :)
I love handwritten notes too. I think it says, "You are special to me". I also love Dayspring...they have some really nice things.
Oh, lucky you!!! I love to receive cards but love to send them even more! I just think how good the person will feel when they open up a surprise from the mailbox! :)
Oh! Monica - what a beautiful post - both in word and photos!! I could not agree with you more - your touching words flowed straight to my heart!! Funny - God apparently had us both in similar place today - take a look at my post from earlier this morning when you get a chance ;-)
Congrats on the win - what great fun!!
Blessings ;-)
I love to both send and receive handwritten notes. It only takes a few short minutes to make someone feel special and appreciated or encouraged! Thanks for the reminder.
Dearest Monica,
Handwritten is the Best..not only is it a blessing but it is a wonderful Keep~Sake...for Many years to come....
Oh, yes my heart pitter patters when I get HAND written mail. There is such a joy with handwritten notes...I still write little "love notes" to my girls. My girls also make their own cards too.
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