Wednesday, August 11, 2010

If these spoons could talk ...

My mom and I had fun going through some family things while I was recently at her house. I was so captivated by all the beautiful silverware - especially the spoons! I wish they could tell stories of where they've been, conversations they've heard, food they've held and those who have held them.

We figured out who a lot of these spoons belonged to -
there were a few that we're still not sure about though.

But, then there was this bag:

And, this little spoon ~ isn't it gorgeous?!
It is the perfect size to go with the Tiffany bag.

Look at the back of that tiny spoon!

Here's the handle - engraved with "Fanny" ~ we haven't figured out who that is yet.
I love the lettering! So full of charm and elegance!

Here's the whole spoon ~ I suggested perhaps it was a baby spoon! What a lovely gift it would have been from Tiffany and Co. This charming tiny spoon with a longer handle might have been just right for feeding a little one.

These aren't spoons - but more interesting initials, engraving and details!

One more mystery - what do you think these are?
We had ideas: tapping open a soft boiled egg?
For opening some sort of seafood?
It seems like we thought of another one, but now it escapes me.
Does anyone know?

Why don't we do engraved silverware anymore? I guess it has gotten too expensive - but oh, how beautiful it is! Oh, how elegant! And, what a treasure to pass on to generations afterward!
I love old stuff like this!!! All this just puts me in a Jane Austen mood!

Do you have any family silverware? Wouldn't you love to know some of the stories behind it!!!?


Lisar said...

Wow Monica, what wonderful cutlery...I have some old cutlery that belonged to my great and grand mothers' which I treasure. Those knife things are definitely not fish knives, but they look as though they are meant to open something like shellfish or oysters or mussels/scallops etc.... the do look familiar...I'd be interested to know what they are for!!!

chrissy said...

I have all of my Mother's silver. There are lots of lovely serving pieces that she used during the holidays and for baby and bridal showers. I use it for the same things, and doing so makes me feel close to her. My mother in law bought us a set of beautiful silver cutlery from an antique store for Christmas the first year we were married, including the storage box (I'm sure there's a name for this, just don't know what it is). I often wonder at the story behind it, and about the people that owned it before us. I love pulling it out and polishing it and setting a lovely table for my family and friends.

Unknown said...

I have an old piece of servingware that my grandmother gave me years ago. I'm not entirely sure what it is, but I think its a pie server. Just like what you showed, it has all kinds of intricate detailing that seem to have been lost over the generations. I'm waiting for someone to reveal the purpose of the mystery utensils! :)

Mom said...

These are great photos and capture the beauty of these lovely pieces of silverware! They also remind me of the fun we had going through these things together. :) Thanks for sharing -- Love, Mom

Stephanie said...

My mom had two sets of family silver and I ended up with one and so did my sister. One of these days I need to get it out and use it - right now it's just in storage.

Anonymous said...

They do like like oyster knives....

Willys and Elizabeth (Lizzie) said...

All our family silver stuff was stolen a long time ago. Honestly I dont really have much of anything that is old handed down from previous generations.

You are very blessed to have so much!
Very special indeed!

Chelle said...

Love the spoons. they are really neat. my Mom has a set of silver ware that was my Grandma's.

Jen said...

My guess is that they are grapefruit knives. They resemble the grapefruit spoons of today.

angie said...

I don't have any family silver, but some other treasured family heirlooms. My grandmother passed in Feb., so I have been given a rug beater, a bread bowl, and some Depression glass. Other decor in my home will come and go, but these things will always be.

~katie~ said...

Beautiful, Monica!! What detail! Maybe you could take the mystery utensils to the 'Antiques Road Show'? :-) No matter what they price it though, I agree heirlooms are priceless!! I have received many of my grandmother's items (including her sewing machine/table/crafts) ~ and I treasure them all dearly! I plan to post on some of them someday. Thanks for sharing!! (Yes, very "Austenesque" if that's a word...)

Angelia said...

I loved seeing these pictures and reading your thoughts about them. I have a silver set my mother in law gave me years ago. It had an engraving brass piece on the outside that no one ever used. I knew of a little shop down town and had the piece engraved for the box. In it is a full set of real silver and a few baby spoons from my husband brother and sisters and added in my 3 children's silver gerber spoons with names on them. lol. It is fun to hear your moments with Mom. Thoughtful thoughts. warm hug and smiles, Angelia in TX

Cheryl said...

what beautiful silverware.
I don't have fancy silverware like that. Never put it on my wedding registry. We are just simple folks, don't need anything too fancy. I didn't even sign up for the place settings either. I didn't want to have dishes and silverware that took up space in my cabinets that we only used once a year.

The pieces of silverware you were asking about look like something used to open seafood or even nut shells perhaps. I am intrigued as to what they are used for.

LynnMarie said...

What great photos and story to go with it. I am new to blogging but have commented before here and was wondering if I can put a link from my blog to yours please? I don't want to do that without your permision.

Annie said...

Lovely photos of lovely flatware. We saw so many different types when we lived in France - some from the 19th century were HUGE. Today we'd use them as serving pieces, but they were used for daily eating! Maybe they were really hungry?!?

The pieces you asked about might be "marrow spoons". I remember seeing something like it in France, and there they still view marrow as a delicacy. I'll try to nose around and see if I can find any info for you.

Love your blog & photos... You make me wish I took more pictures. Peace.

Susannah said...

I chose a sterlingware pattern for my wedding realizing I wouldn't receive many, if any, pieces because of the expense -- but my mother encouraged me just in case. A couple of years later I discovered I had chosen the same pattern as both of my grandmothers! I now have all of their pieces -- some engraved with my father's mother's initial.

Jill said...

These are delightful! I love old utensils from the past. Thanks for sharing!

Eggplant's Mom said...

I know what you mean. I just "inhereted" (as in she was cleaning and didn't want them, so it was either my house or the garbage heap) a huge set of silverware and the detail on it... You just don't find anything ike it now.

Pioneer Beauty said...

I love antique shopping and always wonder the stories that most go along with each piece and the journey that those delightful items must have gone through to eventually land themeselves in my hands.
It's a great opportunity to use to teach your children the restoration process and how we were once made perfect but because of sin we were found dirty, broken,bruised,unfinished only to be picked up and bought by two loving hands that so gently restored us and made us not just an old item to be bought or sold anymore but we have now become a priceless antiquity purchased by the Masters Hand..and fully restored unto Him..
In Christ

Wendi said...

Great pieces Monica. If only they could talk!

rachel@thecupcakesprinklesinlife said...

Oh I just love old engraved silverware!

Do they still do this- I'd love to get a set! :)

Great treasures...

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful! I received my mother in-laws silver. It has a beautiful S on the handle.

Modern Distaff said...

I just came across your blog for the first time. It's so beautiful!

I just love this post on silverware especially the precious baby spoon. The engraving is so endearing. You are right, why don't we do this anymore. I think it would be lovely for every member of the family to have their own name engraved on their silverware setting.

Beth Moore said...

America's Test Kitchen has a regular feature on their show where they explore odd kitchen gadgets. You should submit a picture to them!

Anonymous said...

I love the photos of the silverware! Before my dad died, I bought a small fork and "pusher" that were engraved from ebay. My dad was commenting that he had them when he was a tot learning to eat. They are just elegant. I love having them and showing them to my grandkids. I have bought all three silver mugs from antique stores and had them engraved with their name (though I searched for one already engraved). I pray they will look at them one day and remember me~In HIs Grip Always, Lynnebee