Monday, August 30, 2010

Be Still ...

I recently ordered this Be Still necklace for myself - I often need to be reminded of the truth it represents.

The day after it came, was my first day tutoring at Classical Conversations and it was a long night followed by a morning where I woke as a bundle of nerves. I headed straight for the Peace Chair and opened my Bible to Psalm 46:10 ~

"Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,

I will be exalted in the earth."

I read the words over and over - letting them sink deep. I saw the notes I'd written into my Bible from a message I heard Craig give on this verse at the Glen.

"Don't just pretend that He is God, or just say that He is God, or even hope that He is God."

Know that He is God.

Time was moving quickly and I knew I needed to get ready for the day - but I said this verse out loud to myself as I did so.


Be still...

Be still and ...

Be still and know...

Be still and know that ...

Be still and know that I ...

Be still and know that I am ...

Be still and know that I am God.

Then, the next part of the verse jumped out at me -

"I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."

No matter what else happens, He WILL be exalted. Isn't that truly my goal? That He would be exalted? YES! And, what a thought it was to me to consider and believe that no matter what, above all - He will be exalted. That is a non-negotiable.

Many other things may or may not happen. But His glory and exaltation is not one of them - it is a known must!

Obviously, I quickly clipped on my new necklace, praying all the while that God would still me and go with me throughout the day. That He would remind me of this truth through the touch of the metal around my neck the weight of it dangling from me, walking in the truth of His Lordship and glory being sure things no matter what!

I've written about Lisa Leonard's beautiful creations before - and she has graciously agreed to host another giveaway here for a $50 gift certificate!!! Winners in the US or Canada qualify for this drawing!

I love the beautiful jewelry she creates! Especially the ones with beautiful truths carried with us throughout the day ~

If you would like to be entered in the drawing for a $50 gift certificate from Lisa - please hop over to her site and tell us about what you'd choose! Comments will be accepted until 1opm EST, Wednesday September 1st.

This song is in my head as I type these words:


~katie~ said...

"Be Still" is something God is trying to teach me right now!! :-) Thanks for this encouragement today!

Wow, beautiful necklace to remind you of that truth!

I just checked out her site ~ I would love to order a baby spoon for my brother-in-law and sister-in-law who are expecting their first child anyday now! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Blessings to your family this week~

Riverswamp said...

Oh Monica! These necklaces have been on my wish list for quite a while.
They are simply beautiful!
I'd choose the Vintage Frames or the Fly Free necklace for myself. It would be easy to choose one of these for anyone on your gift sweet and simply feminine!

pippasmum said...

I love Lisa's jewellry and my gift to myself after my son was born was her family tree necklace.
For me, I would love her Banner Necklace and I would have the word "faith" put on it to remind me that my faith in God get me through all trials.
This is a lovely post, Monica!

Leanne said...

I would pick Marked by Love in memory of our little one in Heaven...because I never forget her!
that ws a great post, Monica!

melissa said...

what a beautiful necklace! I really like the mama one. )

Crystal said...

Thank you for this post. I have been going through a difficult time right now and this is what I needed.

I have been eyeing the who do you love necklace for some time now. I would use the $50 toward the purchase of one of those. Just in time to celebrate the birth of my daughter in 5 weeks,

The Caffeinated Librarian said...

I love all of her jewelry, but I'm really loving the messages of the Be Still necklace or I would go for something simple and personalize it with the phrase "Wait on the Lord." That is my heart lately.

Teri H said...

I love Lisa's jewelry! And I'm in a "be still" season myself! So that's what I'd get!

Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered said...

Thank you, Monica!! This has been such a meaningful post, and a nice surprise there on the end with the giveaway.
Everything on her site is beautiful.

((I'd probably choose, a key chain and earrings))

Tasha said...

The "Be Still" verse was on a plaque hanging in the hospital when I was on bedrest with my twins boys for 3 months. I clung to that verse as I tried to carry them until it was safe to deliver. And I did! Five years later I am about to begin homeschooling them and I need to "Be Still"! What an awesome reminder from god!!!
She has lovely jewelry! I love them all, but the Be Still speaks to me personally.
Just found your blog and am at such peace when I come to visit.
Much love, Tasha

heicoc said...

Thanks so much for your post was something I needed to hear!

I love everything she does but I think I would pick the jumble of charms necklace with a charm for each of my four children!

Thanks Monica!

*carrie* said...


Thanks for posting that song--very calming.

You didn't mention you'd ordered that necklace. =) It's very pretty!

Nichole said...

I also have the "Be Still" necklace. What a great reminder it is! I think I would choose the "hope is the thing" necklace!

ktquilts said...

I would pick the together necklace! Love Lisa's designs! Thanks for the chance to win!



Denise said...

I always enjoy reading your words of wisdom and encouragement! Thank you for sharing!

Lovely jewelry! I would either get the Mama necklace or one about Love.

Stephanie said...

I love her word of the year necklace and as I'm already pondering next year's word, that might be perfect. : )

Anonymous said...

I like fly free!
Kelly Erdel

JStacie said...

I love the Family Crest! Thanks.

Michele said...

I really like the "You are loved" message. But I also like the "Happy" since it reminds me of what being content in Christ leaves me. I'm learning to be content in whatever circumstances He brings my way. Then again, "Be still" is pretty amazing.

Family W said...

I've admired her jewelry for a long time. I'd either get the family crest necklace or the one word (word of the year) necklace.

Lindsey said...

I have a Lisa necklace with my boy's names that I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE :) I think that if I were to win I would either put the money towards the silver cuff or get the cream pearl earrings -- thanks so much!

barefootandpoignant said...

I would most likely choose the "Lots of Love" necklace. Thank you!

Lisa_K said...

I would also choose the "Be Still" necklace. That's right where I'm at right now. so there....

katielovesdano said...

I have been saving and searching for a custom made necklace since I had my third child 6 months ago and I would LOVE to get the "teenie tiny initials necklace"! :) The family crest necklace is also beautiful!

Sheila said...

I love the Be Still necklace. I had never seen the little lady necklace before - what a cute gift for a litle girl in your life! I need to learn to be still and listen more.

Anonymous said...

On my first morning of waking up at 6am to be a purposeful mom and start teaching me children today, I very much appreciate this post that teaches me to be still and know that He is God. To know that I don't have to do it all in my own strength. What a blessing to be able to rely on Him today!

I would choose the Be Still Necklace just because of where I am at today in my walk.

Kendra said...

I'd love to be entered! Thanks. I really like the necklace you chose and would either pick that one or the "Open Circle" bracelet.

Amy said...

We are a birding family and I really like the Sweet and Simply Bird necklace. They are all so cute! brian amy 10 at hotmail dot com (no spaces) God bless you!

Elisha said...

Hi! I'm jumping over from Crabapple Pond. I LOVE her jewelry! "Be still, and KNOW..." would certainly be on any necklace I would choose (the raindrop one is beautiful)...

Christy said...

I love her fly free piece. I love the simplicity of it.

Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

Oh, Be Still just speaks to me... thank you, friend.

Anonymous said...

I love her jewelry and the stirring messages behind each piece. Thank you for the reminder to "Be Still and KNOW that He is GOD!!!!" What a blessing this morning.

I love many of her necklaces but would be torn between little lady and you are loved.

Jen N
artandjen at juno dot com

Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

I've wanted one of her necklaces for a long time. I really love the little charm necklaces, but I love the hope one and the be still one equally as well.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Samantha said...

I love the "Hope is the thing with feathers" necklace. It's long been a favorite quote of mine!

Lynette said...

I love the numberd necklace, so sweet.

Anonymous said...

I love the Bestill necklace as well.

Bridgett said...

Great Post! I still have Lisa Leonard's site in my "wish" folder in my favorites from the last time you posted! I still like the sweet & simple birdie necklace. But also the jumble of charms petite family crest. ... and a few others :)

Tracy said...

There are so many beautiful pieces to choose from. I really like the Open Circle necklace.

I love that you chose the Be Still necklace to serve as a reminder.

Joy said...

I love her jewelry! I've been wishing I could afford something of hers for a few years now. I'd love to have one of the customizable necklaces with my five children's names on it. :)

Brenda said...

Ooooo!!!! I've so been looking for a piece of jewelry that would capture my family in a unique and whimsical way. I have six children, so it has been difficult to find a piece that could accommodate a group that size!!
I LOVE, love both the "laundry line necklace" as well as the "numbered necklace." Either would be so adorable and I could easily add another piece if the Lord gives us more!!!! Thank you for reintroducing us to Lisa's work!!!

Sharon T said...

I love all her jewelry. I would use the gift certificate for the "Be Still" necklace. Thank you for the opportunity to win this.

lsort said...

Admired her work for a long time & would really have a hard time choosing!
I'd probably choose the Mama necklace - expecting my first soon!- I love the sweet simplicity & what it says.
Either that or a couple of baby's first spoons - one for our little on & one for our new nephew too!

Carrie said...

I love all of her work, but I really like the "Forever" heart necklace.

Anonymous said...

All of her work is amazing. I love the beauty and simplicity. I would also choose "Be still", I feel that is what God is wanting from me at this time in my life. Thank you for hosting this giveaway


Intentional Living Homestead said...

Be Still and know that I am God plays in my head everytime I talk with Him. We are on a journey right now and God knows that I need to hear this every day.

Thank you for sharing this...I will check on Lisa's link.


Nancy @ Homemade Blessings said...

So many beautiful choices! I think that I would probably choose the teenie tiny initials necklace - lovely and dainty.

"Be still and know that I am God" is one of my favorite verses, as well.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love the "Be Still" necklace too. But, if I win, I would probably pick something for a friend for Christmas!

Aubrey said...

I love the jumble of charms necklace, or the laundry line necklace. I've been eyeing her necklaces for a while...
I hope your first day of CC went well!

Tania said...

I love the original necklace and would put my 4 boys names on it maybe with a Bible reference about God's goodness. (-: Thanks for hosting this!

Dawn said...

I always imagine the times when my kids are just being crazy and I tell them "be still" It is the perfect example of of my life and me running from thing to thing kind of pushing God to the back. I imagine him saying "Dawn! Just be still" It is like Pay attention! Know that I am God" Thanks for posting the reminder.

I love your be still necklace. That would be my choice too. I think. There are too many to love

Anonymous said...

i would get two things- the freshwater pearl earrings and the crystal drop earrings

Beth said...

I think I would choose the "Be Still" necklace as well. But really, I would love any of her jewelry :)

Lori said...

I too often find myself needing to "Be Still". Thanks for the song.

I would love to have the You are Loved necklace for myself and would also order the rectangle key chain for my husband with my boys name on it.

Thank you for a great family friendly blog.

Deb said...

Either Be Still or Forever, but would have to drool for a few days before I committed.......=)

Sarah said...

I've never visited her site before - what beautiful treasures!! I also love the "Be Still" necklace, and I think the "Petite Family Crest" is pretty fun, too!

Liz in CO said...

I love the Be Still Necklace best I think! I love that verse in the Bible. I really like all her designs though! So simple and elegant.

Jon and Sarah said...

I agree with most other comments...I would probably choose the "Be Still" necklace, but love all the other choices as well!

Kelly said...

ooooh I love what Lisa does! I don't know what I'd get...something for me or a gift for someone else? I really like tangible reminders...maybe a be still necklace would be a special treat for me!

rachel@thecupcakesprinklesinlife said...

Very nice Monica-

If I had to choose- it would be a tie between "numbered" and "you are loved"...

Trace said...

What a great giveaway!! WOW!!
I have been eyeing Lisa Leonard's artwork for quite some time and have not yet splurged on myself..

If I were to win, I'd choose the Mama Necklace.... soooo sweet!!

Julie said...

I really like the Be Still necklace... and the "loved" necklace. They are all so beautiful!

Since my husband has been partially laid off spending money for things of beauty is not an option... so this gift certificate would be such a sweet blessing.

shelly said...

"From up here" would be my choice. I love Lisa's Jewelry and your blog too!!!

Anonymous said...

I had never seen Lisa's jewelry and was so blessed as I looked through the pieces. Each one small but speaking volumes. So it was hard to choose but have narrowed it down to two or three... (I forwarded it to our daughter just for future gift
I like the "loved", the 'mama' but would ask that it be 'momo', and I love "fly free" because it is the desire of my heart to live free from the entanglement of sin and free from the world's enticements and live only abandoned to God!

Heather said...

So beautiful!
I would choose itty bitty hearts with my two itty bitties initials...and maybe more someday to add! :)


Julie Ball said...

This is a beautiful post, and so timely for me personally! My family's life has been turned upside down, as my husband is being forced to find a new job. Doors seem to be held ajar only to close in our faces. Although I have absolute confidence in my heart that God is making a way for us and that everything will work out for the best according to his plan, it is nonetheless very difficult to wait, and difficult to even think about moving away (which seems very likely) without some sadness and apprehension. My only recourse is to give him glory even in this stressful season, and to look forward to how much more glory I'll be able to give him when he leads us through! So... if I am fortunate enough to win the gift certificate, I will definitely put it toward a "Be Still" necklace of my own. All of Lisa's creations are so beautiful - I love silver in general and the simple nature designs are right up my alley, but "Be still" (and KNOW!) is the message that I need to have reinforced in my life every minute of the day right now! Thanks for both your words and the giveaway opportunity!

becka said...

I love the petite family crest necklace. All her pieces are lovely. Thanks for hosting this, Monica. Thanks too for all your informative and inspiring posts. You are a blessing to many.

Vickie said...

I love Lisa's designs, they all speak to the heart. It's tough to pick just one! I think I would go with the true love heart necklace. Next month it will be 30 years that I have been married to my true love.

Elise said...

What a great giveaway!! I love the sweet simple bird and from up here. I also love the personalized ones with kiddies' names on them.

Liz said...

I would have a terrible time choosing between the Be Still necklace and the Fly Free necklace, which would remind me of the wonderful freedom that is ours in Christ Jesus.

Jolene said...

Hard to choose between the "mama" necklace and the "sweet daisy" necklace. So pretty!

Leah said...

I would choose either the be still necklace or the mama necklace. They are all so beautiful!

Alycia M said...

What a great and timely reminder, Thank you!

It is very difficult to choose only one of lisa's beautiful designs.
I would love to have a 'family tree' necklace or maybe a 'numbered necklace' with one for each child...or maybe a 'you are loved' necklace for my soon to be teenaged daughter.
Decisions, decisions...:)

Jamie said...

I love her jewelry and have sent the link to her website to my husband since my birthday is in the near future:o) It is so hard to choose one piece, but I think I have it down to "mama" or "tiny squares". Although recently, I've been wanting a bracelet...decisions, decisions...

Angel said...

I've been loving her stuff for years now, but no funds to actually buy one :(
I would choose the loved necklace, I've been needing to be reminded of that lately

Crystal said...

I love the "Be Still" necklace. Perfect for this season of my life!:)

Deanna said...

I think that I'd either pick the Be still or friendship necklace.
dmfitzpatrick16 @

Danielle said...

I really like the Illuminate necklace! It reminds me that we are to shine like the stars!!!

Anonymous said...

The "Fly Free" necklace spoke to me--it reminds me of God's deliverance in my life. I am on a journey of discovering the freedom He gives...

Flower Petal

leekat6 at verizon dot net

Becky said...

I think I would choose the Together necklace or Be Still necklace - they are so very beautiful!

Tracy said...

I actually really love the be still one. I've had my eye on the teeny tiny initials necklace and the family tree necklace. For now I've settled for an old round typewriter key with an "N" charm until I can get a lisa leanard necklace!

Kristin said...

Hi Monica -

I'm very curious to hear how things went at CC as you launched the year. What a neat necklace to remind you of such an awesome truth! I think I would choose the same one, or customize one with another verse.

Thanks for the great post!

Handwoven Dreams said...

I would order the same necklace that you chose. I find that verse immenently comforting also!

forr2girls said...

I would love to have one of her leather cuffs!

Lee said...

I love so many...

Little Lady
Sweetheart tree
oh, and those freshwater pearl earrings...

I'd love to have something pretty to give at Christmas. There's some beautiful things there.

Karen said...

What beautiful necklaces! I would probably choose the aqua stone necklace or the "Be still" necklace.

Cortney said...

Love this post, always I reminder that I need! I headed over to her site and love all the great creations that she makes!

The one that I would want is the sweetheart tree necklace

My fiance proposed to me by carving our initials in a tree- this would be just perfect!!! It would be a treasured reminder of that day!

joeandkris513 said...

I have Lisa's "by grace alone" necklace and I wear it all the time. My husband ordered it for me for my last birthday. We saw a link for it on Ann Voskamp's blog. She called it "the chain around my neck, the only rope that holds me. The one that reads, 'By Grace Alone'." I loved that and wear it myself to remember that is the only rope that holds me too.
I also love the Be still necklace and would choose it if I were blessed to win your giveaway. Thanks for the chance!

Jenn said...

Lisa's jewelry is so beautiful and she is great to work with. I had her make a necklace for my sister after my sweet niece was born to heaven. The necklace is lovely.

I would love to have the Be Still necklace or the Heartstrings necklace... or really anything from her collection.

Thanks for the giveaway!

angie said...

I pored over Lisa's site. So many options for customizing, which I really like. I think I would like the family necklace. But when I read others' comments, I realized that I would like any of them!
Is the "ball" necklace comfortable to wear everyday?

Shannon Miller said...

i love the tiny frames necklace...but oh, it would be so hard to choose!

Mary S. said...

I love the Petite Family Crest or the Teenie Tiny Initials. All of her jewelry is beautiful! It was too hard to just pick one.

hardms3 (at) yahoo (dot) com

fixedonHIM said...

The Lots of Love necklace is my favorite. This is the season I am in currently. I REALLY want to learn to love as HE does. I have so much to learn and let go of in order to embrace all that HE has for me.

Happy Schooling to you & your girls! I have heard wonderful things about Classical Conversations.


☞Jones' Muse☜ said...

I just love her creations! So beautiful! I would love the "Be Still" necklace as well.....The Lord has been speaking that to me over and over within the last few months...I'm so thankful for His faithfulness!

Hattie said...

I just now checked out her site and I would love the Sweet and Simple Birdie necklace.
Such beautiful jewelry.

Heather said...

I would pick the captured heart necklace. They are all so beautiful!! I love your blog so much, you have inspired me in so many ways and I think you are such a fabulous mommy!!

Mom said...

Lovely post, Monica -- I like taking verses one word at a time like you did. I like your necklace and the visual reminder that it is for you. (Do you know if this jewelry causes any irritation for sensitive skin?) Love you! Mom

Blissful & Domestic said...

They are all breath taking. It is a tie for me between the feather hope necklace and the tag family necklace. They both look so dainty and beautiful. What a talent she has in creating these works of art. Also thank you Monica for your words today. They were very helpful in drilling my heart as I prepare to start school with my kids today. You are always wonderful in your posts.

elizabeth said...

Oh I love the be still necklace. It's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I love the sea star necklace. So pretty but simple.

Anonymous said...

Love the Be Still one!! Thanks :)

figandchloe at hotmail dot com

Crystal said...

I just love her stuff. I think I might pick the mamma necklace. I hope I win, I hope I win.

Anonymous said...

I love her necklaces!
I believe I would choose the heartstrings necklace or possible the family tree one. Goodness they are all so special.

Lisa @ Simply Things Family said...

I love the Vintage Frames necklace.

Kellie said...

It's so hard to choose, but I think I would love to wear the "Captured Heart" necklace with my three children's names on it.

Enjoy your day!

being molded said...

I love her designs. I think her together necklace is my favorite.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

I like the Be Still necklace and the Mama Necklace! How cute---enter me in!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the opportunity Monica. I think my choice (not an easy one to make) would be the lots of love necklace. I have been wanting to dwell on love. His to us(simply amazing),mine to him(i always get in the way),and love to others all the time(not easy). It is what we are called to do. Maybe the necklace would help be a constant reminder. tammyp

Jo Ann said...

Wow, she has so many beautiful pieces! I'm going to have to save her site for Christmas. :) I think I would choose the "You are loved" necklace. Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Her jewelry is beautiful! My favorite necklace is the Be Still necklace. Such a beautiful reminder.
monk5 at charter dot net

Davonne Parks said...

I love the single tag keychain!

Angela said...

I like yours, but I'd choose the sparkle necklace or the aqua stones! Beautiful!

ilovethemso @ yahoo . com

heather c said...

I love her jewelry! I would either choose the "by grace alone" or the "tiny hearts" necklace!

Anonymous said...

From up here necklace, it's lovely, when I saw it I thought of God telling me From up here I have it all planned for you, don't worry or fret, I am in control...from up here."

I also love the entire


Kristi said...

I love her jewelry! I would maybe pick the spoon for our youngest or maybe the jumble of charms OR the family tree necklace for me. So hard to decide!!

Anonymous said...

It's funny, as I read your post and saw the picture of your Lisa Leonard necklace, I was thinking how nice it would be to get one of those (I've hearing about LL for awhile)...and then I scrolled further and was so excited to find that you're hosting a giveaway for one! *happy dance*

They’re all so cute! To name a few that caught my eye would be the
Heartstrings, Sweet Daisy or the Orginal necklace.

Thanks for hosting this giveaway, Monica! :)


Rachel said...

I really like the Be Still necklace or the Sweet and Simply Birdie necklace. I've admired her designs for a long time now. It would be wonderful to win!

Anonymous said...

Everything was so beautiful! It would be a tough choice, but the "mama" necklace grabbed my eye. Thanks for the chance.


Paul Barber said...

I do love the Be Still one and I love the rest of them too. ( : I do need an often reminder of Be Still and Know that I am God! I have been trying to apply that verse to my life lately! Thank you for sharing so much with us - just about normal life and things that we all struggle with or are encouraged by. It is a blessing.

countrymama said...

There are so many beautiful necklaces to choose from. I would probably choose the "Together" one.

Carrie said...

I love almost everything that Lisa makes, but I would probably go with the "Be Still" necklace, also . . . it's so beautiful and meaningful. I bought myself the tiny squares necklace a couple of years ago, with my children's names. I love it!! Thanks for the chance to win. :)

Christy said...

Fly free...freedom in Christ is such the longing of my heart right now.

GeonHui's Bakery said...

What a great giveaway!

I love the sterling ring, the Be Still necklace and the Little Lady necklace-which I would give to my little gal. Beautiful! Thanks for the chance!

Gardening Mommy said...

Would LOVE the dewdrops necklace in memory of our little one in heaven. Thank you so much for the chance to win!

Michelle said...

Her jewelry is beautiful...I love the friendship necklace, thought it was darling.
Take care, and be blessed,

meredith said...

Be still is also the necklace I would choose. The verse and the bird are both meaningful to me. I appreciate Lisa's testimony and her heart through her blog.

thanks for sharing your heart...

Marguerite said...

Inspired by your inspiration. :) Re: Lisa's work, I like the teenie tiny initials necklace. So sweet...and the initials in the photo are exactly the ones I'd need. hnsphoto at gmail dot com