Friday, July 30, 2010


Yes, two posts today! I have a mile-long list of things I want to post and it would be ages before this made it in, so here it is!

Two bits of housekeeping first:

- My links are finally finished! Click on that cute framed flower at right and you'll be directed to my inspiring links. I've also begun adding some favorite resource links at the bottom of that if you are interested.

- Blog categories have finally all been updated! Yeah! I'm relieved to have things easier to find, more streamlined, less categories. Hope you like it too! There were a few categories that I kept but did not list in the sidebar - they are linked up with a photo further down the sidebar for your ease of navigating to Handcrafted Christmas, Proverbs 31 crafts and Fruit of the Spirit study for preschoolers.

Now, on to the inspiration from yesterday ....

God's beautiful creations are delivered to my door in surprise this week!
What a blessing to enjoy these sweet beauties!

As I'm peeling off the skin and revealing the flesh - I'm thinking of all kinds of spiritual applications. I'm eager as can be to take some pictures of these - God's beautiful creations and generous provision to us.

Nineteen quarts are now waiting canning in my fridge ~ waiting because I'm terrified of bugs and the canner was in the shed. I must wait for brave hubby to get home and do battle with the bugs for my enamel pot!

Meanwhile, lots of reflecting going on over all the peeling, peeling, peeling and pitting. Slicing the juicy flesh in half and filling the clear jars. My hands are scented with the peachy perfume for hours afterwards.

I don't know why I like photographing fruit so much! But, it is just so photogenic. I'm an amateur at best - but enjoy the process and the results!

Beauty so inspires me - and delights me - and refreshes me - and energizes me!
What does that for you?


~katie~ said...

Love all the links and your categories on the side for the FOTS for preshoolers, Handcrafted Christmas, and Crafters Walk through Proverbs 31 so neat! Looks so great and organized ~ great job! I agree that beauty is so refreshing, and I think I've been trying to be intentional about opening my eyes and seeing all of the beauty God provides! Great pics!

Elise said...

Fresh peaches are so delicious, aren't they?? I remember going to the fruit stand as a child and getting peaches and eating them out of hand, furry skin and all. Now that kind of wigs me out, but I would love to can them and make preserves. Yum...

Katie @ Domestic Debacle said...

I love your photos of the peaches! They look delicious! One thing that inspires me, is my family. I want to do the best I can for them at all times, so I am always striving to be the best mother and wife I can be!

Julian said...

im with you about beauty:) i love peaches, they are my favorite fruit! A friend and i are going to the farmers market before the kids start school. I am looking forward to it! your peaches are beautiful! What a blessing. Thankyou for sharing!

Cheryl said...

those peaches look wonderful. I think your photography is just fine. Loving the pic of the peaches in the basket.
You've done a great job on your site updating things and making it easier to naviagte.
It's always a joy to come to your little home on the world wide web.
Have a great weekend.

Ami said...

Did you know you can dip peaches in boiling water, then in ice water, and then skin slides off? It's the same thing you do to peel tomatoes for canning. It's a bit faster and you don't lose any of the luscious fruit with the peel this way.

19 quarts sounds like SO MUCH! I'll be your whole house smells pretty!

Jill said...

Hmmmm such great photos I can just imagine the smell and great taste of them! Thanks for sharing. Lovely pictures! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Jenny said...

Fresh peaches are so wonderful this time of year. I am looking forward to making some jam this summer.

Heather's Blog-o-rama said...

I love fresh fruit. I think your photos are wonderful. I'm an amateur too...The best ph otos are the ones that make you smile...and your photos reflect that :) :) They're wonderful!!!

Someday I'll try canning. For me, I love photographing flowers. I love seeing the detail God puts into a single petal. It's amazing..and He does so much more for us :) :)

One of the things that makes me truly happy and content is knitting. I love taking needles and yarn and creating something that's useful and beautiful all at the same time :)

Have a good weekend. love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

Debbie Fisher (debbiedee) said...

I also love canning peaches. Yum! Nothing better than a fresh peach.

I love your photos! You could print them and put them on cardstock for notecards. I have done that with some of my favorite photos and people love receiving that photo card along with a handwritten note. Ü

Meander said...

Peaches with cream cheese - yum. . .now I need to go to the market today! :)

Anonymous said...

The photos are BeAuTiFuL ~ I love them! Enjoyed your blog very much ♥