Friday, May 07, 2010

Morning Garden

One morning last week, I found myself outside planting green bean seeds before anyone else was awake and the beauty of the garden in the morning made me rush back in for my camera!

Little patches of hope were everywhere -

hope of vegetables to come
hope of flowers to clip and enjoy
hope of new life


Enjoy a stroll through my garden this morning ...


Flannel Jammies Farm said...

Thank you for the fresh, green, HOPEful start to the day... your garden is lovely!

Grace said...

i have sooooo enjoyed gardening this year and want to dig in the dirt somemore. I can't wait to see the fruits of my labor. My favorite thing to watch is of course the seeds that we planted because they are more of a surprise then the already blooming plants.

Katy said...

A beautiful post! :) I love the pictures of your garden!

rachel@thecupcakesprinklesinlife said...

Love your lovely garden!

Gardening is sooo theraputic...

I love eating fresh grown veggies from our garden- nothing beats a fresh off the vine tomatoe.

And as a florist- I love clipping blossoms!

connie said...

thanks for sharing your garden.
and are you serious, tomatoes already?!! we can't even plant ours for another 3 weeks or so! ah, the joys of living in south carolina.
enjoy your day.....

Tim and Susan said...

Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos.

Loved your Mother's Day blog idea. My sweet sister just adopted 2 little boys from Ethiopia too. What a way to celebrate Mother's Day!!!

Amy said...

Lovely! Love those green bean seeds waiting to be covered.

Elise said...

Love it!! I've gotten into my yard a little more this year and actually have plans for a raised bed garden in a bed. An old iron one to be exact!!

Lisar said...

Your garden is lovely Monica.... hope you have a wonderful time with your folks....

Momof3 said...

Oh, how I miss the flowers and green of the south! Funny that I grew up in the south and now live in CO and you are from CO and now live in the beautiful south! Thanks for the info on your friend Becky. Hopefully, we can get in touch with her to get some pics of my little ones. I also have 2 close friends in the process of adopting from Ethiopia and would love to help them, too!

Happy Gardening!

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

You've found beauty in the everyday.

I enjoy your blog a lot.

Do drop in!


Mrs M said...

Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos. Here in New Zealand it is autumn and the colours are just breathtaking.
I love my regular visits to your blog and am so encouraged by your walk with the Lord and your heart for your family - thank you.x

gemma said...

Thanks for the stroll. Looks like you have more than just green thumbs. I'd say all your fingers are green too....lovely garden.