Hope you'll have a chance to share about your day as well!
"Let your eyes look straight ahead,
fix your gaze directly before you."
Definitely a good reminder for me to keep my eyes fixed on Him!
2. Do your morning routine. Again, I completed my routine this morning.
3. Take time to plan. I'm getting ready to do this for tomorrow as I will pull out my calendar and jot out my list of things that I'd like to accomplish and sort of a plan for the day. I completed a few more of the Fly Lady weekly tasks today as well.
The girls had dentist appointments today and we stopped afterwards at a little gazebo to have a tea party!
4. What's for dinner? We were invited over to my mother-in-laws home for dinner, so another easy night for me! We saw this rainbow on the way home ~
Fridge after:
Now, I'm going to curl up and read this - though as tired as I am, I bet I won't make it very far!
Lovely Monica, thank you for sharing!
Do the girls like it when they don't sleep in their room? We've tried that too, but it doesn't go too well. Our children end up unable to sleep well, and too exhausted to fully enjoy the company by the end of a weekend. I'd love some tips!
Just wanted to say I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE that book. Its on my "to buy" list, so maybe my mom will eventually get hers back ;0)
Have a great time with your parents! I wanted to jump into your postings this week, but my 3 week-old camera has decided it no longer wants to upload pictures to my computer.
Thanks for giving me that extra boost of motivation and encouragement to get my home in order! Participating in this and knowing I would get to post (and see) the before/after results really made it fun! :-) Have a blessed time with family this week and Happy Happy Birthday! :-)
Blessings to you,
mmmmmmmm, Zebra cakes! Jill
I saw a rainbow last night, too! Neat.
Love that view of your front window--wish I could come to your house soon . . .
I need to clean our fridge, too. I keep getting good deals on meat and cheese, and I need to figure out a better system for storing the surplus. I often "wait" for the fridge to be more empty to clean it, and it doesn't happen when I keep stocking up! Plus, there's a bucket of worms in my fridge right now. Ewwww!
Thinking of you as you prepare today--will for sure call tomorrow. =)
Oh, and I cannot relate to what you said about having a bad attitude. That must just be at your house.
Love you.
hey monica! I'm just catching up on your series and am enjoying it so much! It comes at a wonderful time for me since we just moved and I'm trying to make my new home feel like HOME. Thanks for all you're sharing!
Lovely pictures today, Monica. What a wonderful way to savor the day by stopping for a tea party after the dentist app't. Need to remember to take full advantage of those moments, especially in the summer. Enjoy your family and special events.
Love the tea party at the gazebo. I bet the ladies loved that! You do so well at planning special moments with your children.
Liked the pic of your front window, too!
Enjoy your parents' visit!
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