Thursday, March 04, 2010

Relevant Progress

Here's the update - I'm busy crafting and my pink is creeping higher! Thank you so much!!


asnipofgoodness said...

good job Monica, go monica go, you can do it!!!!!

Jeni said...

Hey Mon, I had wanted to share a blog with you that I thought you'd really appreciate, you may have already seen it. But she's speaking at the Relevant conference you're going to, her name is Jennifer Schmidt (or something like that). Her blog is Good luck on your conference sales. =)

Megan said...

I just colored some more in tonight. What are you up to now? :)

You sick of circles yet?

~katie~ said...

Hi Monica!

I'm just wondering if you have your Relevant trip fully funded yet? It just popped into my mind, so I thought I would ask. :-) I would love to purchase one of your Christmas garlands if you are still making them! Let me know!

Blessings on your week ahead,