Ok, here's what was on my heart and mind over the weekend (and off and on the past two months!) ~
I would really like to go to this conference! I'm usually not big on wanting to go to conferences, but this one has drawn my interest in from the very beginning. I saw it somewhere and read about it - oh, it looks good! I think what draws me in are both the speaker lineup (um, Sally Clarkson AND Ann Voskamp plus a host of others!) but also the relational aspects. When I read their description of the mission behind it - it just really compelled me to want to go!
Then, three people within a short span wrote and sent me a link with a "wouldn't it be fun to go to this?!" type message! Honestly, our travel budget is already allocated for going to Colorado twice this year - so I've thought I couldn't go. To top it off, the third person was my friend Megan who also wanted to room together!
However, the desire to go is still there and I'm going to step out in faith and see what God does! Tickets went on sale at midnight and bless Megan, she stayed up and got both of us registered! Yeah - we're going!
Wow, now we need to earn our funds to go! We signed up early because of the Early Bird discount - can't miss out on saving a little money you know!
So, here's the deal. Both Megan and I are hoping to sell some of our crafting to earn our way there! We've each chosen something to sell for $10 each and we each need to make and sell 100 of our items to cover our costs. I'm hoping to get to go by selling garlands that I've been making for both Christmas and Easter! And, Megan will be selling her cute zippy bags! Here's a link to all of her crafty goodies for now - will update later with a link to the zippy's!
To make things fun, Megan came up with this chart which she will update with her trusty markers to show you how close we are to reaching our goal!

With Easter coming up - these would be a great addition to your home for focusing our hearts on God! Or, I'm still willing to do the Christmas ones.
Go here to read all about the Easter garland! And, here for Christmas garlands! I'll fill the orders for Easter garlands first since there Easter is closer, but still plan to have all of these done as quickly as possible. However, it is just me! I homeschool, mother, and have a home and family to care for - so I will be working diligently to get them done as timely as possible.
I need to sell 100 of these garlands to cover my expenses for the conference and they will be $10 each including shipping (within the US). I'm so sorry I had to bump the price up a bit - but the laminating has gone up as well as the postage which I found out the hard way at Christmas.
Send me an e-mail to thehomespunheart (at) hotmail (dot) com or therustyrobin (at) gmail (dot) com and include the following:
* Your name
* Your mailing address
* Your order: Christmas or Easter and how many garlands
* How you would like to pay: Pay Pal or by mailing me a check (if you do want to do Pay Pal, I will send you an invoice or you can send the $10 to therustyrobin (at) gmail (dot) com.
**** UPDATE ****
I'm up to 66 out of my 100 goal! Yeah! I have four extra Easter garlands ready to go at this moment, but cannot guarantee that I'll finish any more by Easter - if you're still interested in ordering - please go ahead and send me an e-mail. Thank you so much for helping me reach my goal!!
Now, just to help spread the word - I'm offering up a garland here as a giveaway! If you would be so kind as to post these garlands on your blog - then come back here and let me know you did, you are automatically entered! Or if you prefer to post about Megan's zippy bags - I'll accept that as an entry too. That's it!
I will draw a winner on Friday and if you have already ordered a garland, I'll happily send it to you at no charge or refund you if you've already paid. Sound fun?
UPDATE: First of all, thanks so much to all of you who ordered or posted about this today!! I've got orders for 20 garlands - yeah!
Here is an updated link to Megan's zippy bags - and she is giving a bag away too! So, make sure to stop by and find out how you can be entered to win or help Megan on her way to Relevant!

What a great conference. I know it will be encouraging to your heart. I can't wait to see how the Lord works to raise your funds. Love you!!
I would really like to be able to help you out and I just love those easter garlands...they are such a refreshing change of pace from all the bunnies and chicks people normally associate with Easter.
I have to talk to my husband about it, but I am definitely interested in buying one!
Best of luck with raising the funds Monica! I actually only live about 4 hours from where they are having this conference! I hadn't even heard about it! Gosh....it looks fabulous...but with the cost of the tickets, I don't think I could make the cost work in our budget! It looks like a great time and I hope you are able to raise all the funds and can get to go!!!! :)
God WILL provide everything you need for this conference!
I am going to a Hearts at Home Conference in two weeks and I can't wait. God provided abundantly for me to be able to go!
I would like to order an easter garland, so I will email you right now!!!!
I hope you get a circle cutter (or already have one) before you set to work making 100 garlands! They aren't much more than $10. I will post your link to my blog later.
I'm going to twitter this post....Let's send you to Relevant!
Yay Monica- Maybe I'll see you there? I literally live about 20 minutes away from Hershey... We will have to connect during the conference and we can visit Chocolate World or the Hershey Gardens together (if time permits?)
I noticed that the conference is in Harrisburg. If you are flying into PHL airport, I could provide accomodations on arrival or return nights. I live 20-30 minutes from the airport. That would save an extra hotel night.
I may have a connection to getting ribbon very inexpensively($1 per big spool.) Would that be of interest to you?
Looking at the conference agenda, I was immediately interested. Do you think it is geared toward bloggers only?
I noticed that the conference is in Harrisburg. If you are flying into PHL airport, I could provide accomodations on arrival or return nights. I live 20-30 minutes from the airport. That would save an extra hotel night.
I may have a connection to getting ribbon very inexpensively($1 per big spool.) Would that be of interest to you?
Looking at the conference agenda, I was immediately interested. Do you think it is geared toward bloggers only?
I'll commit to buying two easter garlands. Send me a paypal invoice and I'll pay you a.s.a.p.
I owuld LOVE a garland, please:)
Well, you'll be in my neck of the woods! I live about 15 minutes from where this is going on. So cool! I had no idea a conference like this was coming to Hershey. But you'll love it. If you can, try and plan some extra time to do a few things in the area. The Hershey Gardens are gorgeous, and of course there's the tour at Chocolate World.
I just blogged about your garlands. They are so neat!
Monica, here is the link to my post about the garlands: http://onedayatatime-ginger.blogspot.com/2010/03/easter-and-christmas-garlands.html
I would like to order one for Easter. Usual delivery method
Just posted about it on my blog. Trying to keep my coveting in check, I would LOVE to go to Relevant. Praying that your sale goes well and God orders things so that you can attend.
I sure hope that you get to go to the conference. I just put on my blog... I will order a couple.
Love these! I put a post about your Easter Garlands on my blog.
See it here at:
Thanks so much for the opportunity to purchase these and also to win one!
Have a blessed day!
Dawn Gray
I tweeted about this....once with your link and once with Megan's blog post link! https://twitter.com/KatyLMA/status/9877606438
I hope you guys can raise all the funds Monica! :) Good luck!
I am a friend of Megan's and am so excited about your garlands. I am emailing to order an Easter one. Hope you meet your goal :)
Hi Monica:
What a neat idea!
I would love to order an Easter Garland. (I still have my Christmas one up!)
Hope to talk to you soon, Honey.
Love you, Grandma
I'm not able to buy one right now, but I blogged and facebooked this in hopes that you will get more orders.
I'm so excited for you, Monica!
I am off to e-mail you now - I am going to buy one! :)
I am headed to the conference as well. Good luck with your garland sales. God will provide!!
I look forward to meeting you on Pennsylvania!
Love your garlands. I'll post on my blog & I'd like to order one:)
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