Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Spring Cleaning: Share Your Progress!

I have future dated this post so it will always stay at the top since I could not easily figure out how to create a sticky post. Thanks, Amy, for the suggestion!

This post will remain at the top during the entire month of March for Spring Cleaning - just come to this post and enter your info in the Mr. Linky! You can submit a link for each room and it will count as your entry in the drawing as well. If you have already submitted an entry via the comments or by e-mail, please do not put it on the Mr. Linky also - so I can keep everything straight!

Here are all the details on the Spring Clean Challenge!


Zaankali said...

Yeah! I need to be intentional when it comes to this kind of cleaning. Thanks for the inspiration.

Kristin said...

I am always needing a friend to be accountable to when it comes to cleaning.I am starting on the kitchen tomorrow.

Megan said...

I'm dragging myself to the computer to let you know I finished my kitchen. And now nobody, and I mean nobody is ever allowed to go in there again...

Anonymous said...

I'm totally in but haven't posted my schedule yet (fell into bed at an obscenely early hour last night!). The schedule and shame-making "before" picks will go up tonight along with a dreadfully self-indulgent explanation of why things got to be the way they are 'round about my house. Don't miss it!

Megan said...

Tell me if I'm doing this wrong, Monica (the reporting, not the cleaning...), but I just finished my second room: the dining room (which is also my desk, the school area, the girls' computer area, and most of our bookshelves with a LOT of photos on top of them (which meant for a lot of dusting). Yes, dusting for me is a spring cleaning activity. At least dusting things on high shelves... *grin*

Also, did you know that scotch tape, having been very well stuck onto wood for a long time is very tricky to get off? I must have peeled of 10 or 11 pieces of it on various chair and table legs...

Paige said...

Almost done with my living room, very pleased with the progress. Working on the wall that is the fireplace and mantel, taking a break for a sec...will post before and afters on my blog later...

Unknown said...

Just finished the Laundry Room!!

Rebecca said...

Hi Monica!
Just posted my schedule and will post my cleaning of the office space tomorrow. Boy does my keyboard shine! I think I'm typing faster than ever! :)

Farmhouse Blessings said...

Whew ~ I just posted my laundry room transformation. I'm so happy! Now I'm off to begin the dining room & pantry!


Crystal said...

Hi Monica. I've been reading your blog for a while now and I've decided to jump in and join you!! My house so need a good scrubbing. Thanks for the encouragement.


Joani said...

Hi Monica - I just posted my fisrt two rooms on Mr. Linky so I hope that works. Starting with the Master bedroom & Master bathroom!

Crafty Mom said...

I'm finally on board! Yeah!

Anonymous said...

I did my dining room today as we just finished painting it over the weekend. Now I need to find new curtains. Wish I could sew like many of you talented gals.
Angie from NJ

Tracy said...

Hi Monica- I didn't post it so I couldn't do mister linky but I spring cleaned my kitchen!

washed the cupboards in/out
washed the appliances
cleaned out the fridge
sorted food
wiped down everything
washed the floors
shook out the rugs
generally made it shine!

Jenn said...

I feel lousy that I haven't measured up to my plans this year. I did clean my room and the boys room upstairs, but not up to "Spring Cleaning" standards. I didn't even touch the blinds or wipe down the walls or windows...YIKES!!

I plan on getting there, but I am going to concentrate on the downstairs for now since that is the high traffic areas and the area that is seen by all. Thanks for the inspiration to get productive!!! I reallly need it lately.

Jenn =)

Kelly @ The Barefoot Mama said...


I am SO enjoying your spring cleaning blogging! I haven't participated yet (though I do clean the house - just haven't blogged it so far, LOL...I can see the fictional "Pig Pen" lines - Peanuts character - rising up from my abode, LOL). You give great motivation!

Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful idea

Mama said...

Oh - this will be FUN! Thank you!!

Sisterlisa said...

Great idea. I need to do some spring cleaning Thank you for the inspiration. :O) Found you via Stumble It! Thumbs up!

Anonymous said...

I reckoned I had finally finished my Spring Cleaning as the curtains were ironed and rehung, and the room-sized dining room rug was rolled back into place looking bright and dog-hair free... Boy was I proud of this years efforts! Then my dear husband said this morning "I think you should wax the leather sofas and the armchair." Hmmn...maybe after Easter ;)Gill.

Kelly said...

I'm going to start organizing after reading all of your posts. Very inspiring.

Anonymous said...

I finally began yesterday. I finished the bathroom. And when I saw my son hitting the iced tea hard at lunch today, I confess to more than a little consternation.

Today, I spring cleaned my blog!

Dianna said...

I did my laundry room. Phew, it was bad! I don't think the last people who lived here ever cleaned it. I had to scrub all the walls and the ceiling! It makes me smile when I go in now.

Anonymous said...

Wanted to let you know that I have finished a few more rooms but do not have time to blog about them so no mr. linky!

China Cabinet
Laundry Room
Craft Room Closet
Bill Pay Center

DONE! Woo-hoo!!

~Babychaser~ said...

Well, I didn't actually finish any one room. The first deadline I made myself was the day my little girl was born. However, I did get lots of partial things done that never would have gotten done with a new baby otherwise! :) Thanks for the inspiration!