We made it!
Now I am fairly well buried in things to catch up on around here! I am dedicating the next 1-2 weeks to getting unpacked, caught up from our trip and trying to get our home back in order. I may be a bit more scarce as I am diligent to accomplish these things, but hope to get back in the groove here very soon!
In the meantime, I am enjoying reading The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson. Oh, it is speaking deeply to my heart and soul and I've only just begun reading it!
And, I am feeling challenged to simplify our life and to be more disciplined in the way I live. I will be sharing more on these thoughts in the days ahead. I've enjoyed your comments lately and for those of you awaiting a response - I will be wading through my full inbox as well!
PS: My possibility of a free grain mill fell through this past week - does anyone have one they aren't using that they would be willing to sell? I'd be willing to purchase a used one, but am hoping not to have to buy a new one. Thanks!
Hi Monica,
I'll have to tell my sister about the book you are reading. I'll tell you later when you have time about the "making the home a haven". I took that to heart and I am so working on that.
Thank you for those words.
So glad you made it back safely. I look forward to hearing your thoughts in the coming weeks.
Welcome Home!
I love that book. It's a favorite of mine.
Sally is a long distance friend of mine and she's just the same as she appears in her book.
I love that when authors are "real" and not put on. :)
Hi Monica! I'm glad you're back home safe.
I too am reading The Mission of Motherhood! I'm finding it inspiring and finding a lot of things that I want to change about myself (with God's help) and our family dynamics. :)
Glad you made it back!! Can't wait to see what you have planned!!
Glad that your are home. I pray that you have a very blessed day in the Lord. Lona
Welcome home, Monica! I am so looking forward to reading more on the topic of "putting our husbands first". Thank you for using your blog to build up the Christian home. You have an amazing ministry at your fingertips.
Glad you are home safe and sound- looking forward to catching up!!
So glad you had a safe trip!
That book is next on my list. Right now I'm reading her other book, The Mission of Motherhood (also a great book!)
Glad you're home! We'll understand if you don't post as often. It will feel so nice to get things back in order and get back to a routine--that's what I've been doing after being away from home (though it was only a week), and it is wonderful.
Dear Monica:
I too am very thankful that you are safely home. It was SO GOOD to see you & the "littles" again. I will treasure those fond memories for the months ahead...until we meet again.
Love you, Grandma
P.S. Don't try to do EVERYTHING in one day!!
WELCOME HOME! I pray that your next couple of weeks go really smoothly! :)
Sorry, no grain mill here!
Have a great, productive day! :)
The Min. of Motherhood has been my favorite book since I read it a few years ago. I go back to it over and over again! Enjoy!!
So glad you're home and settling in--
I wish I could simplify my life; I can't wait to see what you have to offer on the subject.
I don't have a grain mill but am also looking for one. What kind are you searching for?
Zebu - I was looking at the Nutrimill because it takes up less space than the Wonder Mill. Though, I think either would be a good mill and worth the investment. I am trusting that each of us will find one in God's plan and timing!
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