I've heard from several of you recently about having trouble finding past posts here - so, wanted you to know I've been working to remedy this!
I've added a search function at the very bottom of the left sidebar. This should be a big help on finding posts using key word searches.
I am wondering what you'd prefer on the sidebar. The archives list is getting quite lengthy and I wonder if we need the monthly archive, plus the category list and a search function? What would be the easiest and most useful here? What do you use?
If I keep the category links up - I'd like to make sure they pull up all the posts within that category and not just a certain number. Any input on doing that?
Thanks for your patience - hope these little things will be a help!
I think you were on target--you should remove the monthly archive and leave the other two options.
I agree with Wendy.
But I did notice that when I was looking for your posts on prayer that I clicked on your category "my walk with God" and no posts came up at all. I thought that was strange because I was sure I had seen you put that label on several of your posts. =0)
Hi Monica!
I just wanted to let you know that blogspot now has a monthly archive drop down. This way it is just one line and when you click on the arrows you see all the months. I just switched my blog to this, I do not think that this option was available when I first set up my blog.
If you edit the blog archive gadget you should see it as an option. I like how you still are able to leave as a search option but not have it take up so much room. I hope that this is helpful.
Hmmm...I am confused....I wonder why when you click on one of the categories it doesn't show all of the posts made for that topic? It should! I am kinda baffled by that!
I usually search by category rather than the monthly archive, although when I first started reading your blog I browsed back through using that feature. Thanks for adding the searching option. That will be helpful.
I wanted to tell you that I ordered some of Megan's tea purses and afterwards found out that we only live 5 minutes from each other! I went to pick them up and got to chat with her and her daughters. What a fun and welcoming person she is! I am planning on homeschooling and don't know a lot of other families in the area, so it was great to meet her. It is so interesting the way God arranges things sometimes!
I'd delete the monthly thing. Anytime I ever search for a particular post on somebody's blog, I either use their search engine, or click on the catagory I want.
Hope this helps!
I love your blog and start my day with it almost every day. I tried finding your crocheted dishcloths awhile back and it took quite some time because it didn't come up in any category I looked in. Thankfully I remembered about what month I had seen it, so found it in the archives. If you could have the category show all in that category, it would be great! If that worked then the monthly archives probably wouldn't be missed.
And, I learned to crochet last month with your help...thanks for the motivation!
I tried the search option and went looking for the ornament tutorial that you did...last year or the year before. The homespun ornaments but could never find them. I had hoped I would since you added the search feature but no such luck.
I actually like the monthly archive feature. A drop down menu would be a nice option without taking up so much space. When I search by category in your blog I only get the most recent posts in a category and I don't see a way to go farther back. For instance when I search Holidays it only goes to Valentines Day 2008.
Ok, thanks for the input - I removed the monthly archive (I can't do the drop down box since I use the old blogger as that is what my design was created in) and fixed the category links. I still can only get 20 posts to show in each category - but if you have any ideas on how to remedy that I'm willing to fix it!
Thanks for your patience!
I am a new reader here and was using the monthly archive to read your past posts. I really wanted to learn more about the wool balls for the dryer. I hope you find some way to put it back.
Hi Jen -
I added the monthly archive back in. I guess it will just be a long side bar!
The great thing about blogspot is that at the top, in that bar across the top, when you search in the search bar on the top left, it searches ONLY YOUR BLOG! I actually came here to search for Names of Jesus Garland Tutorial! LOL!! :)
Also, I noticed that people were asking about how to link to a certain post. If you are on the main page for your blog, after each post, there is a time (6:00AM for example). If they click on that, THAT is the direct link to the post. Then they can copy and paste. :)
And thank you so much for the Names of Jesus Garland Tutorial! And once again congrats on how successful your store has been!! :)
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