Do any of you do this? What other things can we do like this that make the most of the opportunities we have just where we live and taking advantage of the resources around us?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Free Water
Do any of you do this? What other things can we do like this that make the most of the opportunities we have just where we live and taking advantage of the resources around us?
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Duh! Why didn't I think of this? What I have been doing is going on my front porch and putting my plants out into the rain. I guess that counts somewhat. As much as we get around here in the summer, Monica, we need BUCKETS!
I love the idea of catching rain water with big buckets under the downspouts of the gutters!!! So much water caught it is amazing! Alas we do not have gutters on our wonderful new home YET!!!!!!!!!!!tammyp
I need to start doing this. Like Ginger, I set my plants out if it is raining.
One thing I've been doing is when I water my hanging basket, I set my container under it to catch the water that drips back out. Then I use that water for other plants. Other times I make sure I set other pots under the basket to catch the drips.
Another great idea, Mary Ann.
I seem to remember my mom doing this but with a huge wiskey barrel and she could dip her can in the extra water and get a fun watering cans full. Living on base is bad for being frugal with water and electricity since it is included in our rent. I tend to over use *hanging my head in shame*
that should say "a few watering cans full" :)
My husband has a flat-bed truck. When it rains the water collects in the back of the truck. He uses a syphon to collect the water and drains it into a bucket, then he waters the grass in areas where the sprinkler doesn't always do its job.
These are great ideas -- especially for people who live in dry climates like Colorado! Love you, Mom
Last year during our drought, I started watering my outside plants with "leftover water" from the kitchen. For example, when I boiled something, such as sweet corn, I saved the water, cooled it, and used it to water with. Same goes for a little bit of water leftover in a drinking glass. Instead of going down the drain it goes into my watering can. I also used a dishpan in my sink to conserve water and used that to water ti water with.
Lack of water really isn't much of an issue where I live. We have our own abundant well, and a large pond that we water our garden from, but I just feel that it never hurts to be conservative with what Mother Nature gives us.
Yes, Angela! I also reuse water from boiling veggies. When my dad was here to help me after my surgery, I told him not to throw it out. I let it cool and had him water the plants with it.
When I have drinking water left, I put it in the dog/cat water bowl.
Great ideas! I remember my grandmother having a rain barrel under one of her down spouts. We have been talking about doing this. With the cost of utilities going through the roof it is hard to let free water go to waste!
We have a dehumidifier in our hallway and every morning I empty it into my watering can and go and water my veggies or flowers, I alternate the days. And if by afternoon it is full again, I refill my watering can and have for morning or use for an extra watering. If I have drinking water left over from the night before I dump it into my plant that sits next to the sink. I have also started making sure when I need hot water to have a pitcher sitting next to the sink to run the cold water into until the hot water starts, the kid are always drinking kool aid or I need to make tea.
"Free water" makes me think of Wall Drug. =)
We have rain in the forecast, so maybe it's time to try this. Your watering can is so cute!
Great idea Monica. I always set the ferns that hang on my porch out when it rains, but I'd never thought to collect the water off the gutters.
I think everyone probably does this, but I get a great thrill out of lowering certain blinds and pulling certain curtains throughout the day and then raising them up later. To block the sun from the rooms and then opening windows after the sun has moved to maximize air circulation later. It is not a new concept to most people, but it was a new to me idea. I grew up in a family that just flipped the ac on if it was warm out. We have ac as well, but have only used it briefly about 4 times this summer. :)
I'm sure you can relate, but as a Colorado girl, this humidity can get me sometimes. *swoon* :)
Great idea! I have one downspout where the piece coming from the roof doesn't quite fit into the one in the ground, it would be simple to collect that water into a bucket but I never thought of it.
We have a well so water doesn't cost but I still try to be careful. I too use the water from the dehumidifier but only on flowers. I read somewhere not to use it on edibles but don't remember why. Although it does say in the instructions that you shouldn't drink the water. Hmmmm.
When I find an unfinished glass of water around the house, I empty it into a plant or the cats' water bowl. Veggie cooking water sometimes goes into the freezer for next time I make soup.
I don't water the lawn and only do the veggie garden for a week or two after planting, unless the heat gets extreme. Stil looking forward to getting a rain barrel, the water will get used one way or another.
I have a small trash can out in the garden, when it rain, it collects the water and when I have to run the sprinkler, some gets in the trash can too so I then empty it when full on the veggies! I also have a dehumidifier in the family room and I empty it on the new plants that just got into the ground. Years ago we lived in NM and then you could hook up your washer to collector of some sort that then you could empty in the garden. If only we could do that now but we can't because we live in NH and the water would freeze in the winter. Oh well!!
That is a great idea! My husband waters our lawn with the kid's bathwater when they are done bathing. He just grabs a pail and dumps it on whatever needs watering :)
We live on a farm, with a well, so water is always free, but I still have rain barrells under all of the downspouts on our house. a 5 minute rain will fill them up and this provides enough water for me to water all my outdoor flowerbeds, and most needy garden plants (usually just strawberries and tomatoes). I LOVE rain water!!
Growing up we had a huge metal tank on blocks with a 8 inch wide mouth covered with mesh. When it rained we were able to take advantage of it, and the tank had a spout (or spigot) on it, so when you wanted to fill up a bucket, watering can, etc you could just go and get some free water. As a child I loved being able to have one of my mud pie ingredients (water) so easily accessible. Thanks.
That's a good idea! Our AC drips off the roof constantly and we have a little swamp puddle on the side of the house... I've been trying to think of what to do with it and now I know!
Love your watering can!! I was going to say what Amy said about the kid's bath water. Also, I remember my impatiens loving water leftover from boiling eggs. That was the prettiest they ever were.
Great ideas here!! You should do a whole pioneer series-hee, hee!!
I see a good Aussie in the making! Being that we've been in drought conditions for a very long time we've learned all kinds of ways to save water. Lots of people put a bucket in the bottom of the shower to catch whatever they can and use that for watering the garden...which otherwise go unwatered. Many people are putting in water tanks even if they have access to town water.
I have been taking buckets of water from my bathtub. The plants love the extra dirt.
I don't ;)
Well, not anymore.. we used to rent a garden without running water, so at that time we HAD to..
but at home.. no. We pay a steady amount of money a month, for unlimited (cold) water, so ehmm.. honestly, I'm just too lazy ;)
greetings from holland!
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