Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Spring Clean: Master Bed & Bath

Wow! I love seeing all of your cleaning progress and I'm so thankful for this accountability!

Yesterday was my scheduled day to spring clean our bedroom and bathroom. I've been doing my big cleaning during Quiet Time, but then I have no rest in the afternoon. So, yesterday I decided to involve everyone and get it done in the morning!

First of all, I declared it a pajama day! But, the ladies quickly decided they wanted to put their swimming suits on and play in them! (A new game to lay a quilt on the floor and pretend it is a swimming pool...)

Here are all the "before" pictures ~ by the way, is there such a thing as reality blogging? I think these should surely qualify for such a thing:

Who knew a shower curtain liner waiting to go in the wash could be such a fun "swimming pool"?!

In these rooms we:

* Dusted all walls
* Washed sheets, dog bed and curtains
* Scrubbed bath tub, toilet and wiped bathroom floor
* Washed shower curtain liner
* Cleaned sink area, mirror, dusted light fixture and wiped floor
* Dusted ceiling fan
* Cleaned window inside/out; dusted blinds
* Dusted all furniture and cleaned mirror on dresser
* Cleared all clutter
* Vacuumed
* Replaced sheets
* Ironed and hung curtains

After pictures:

And, a shot of my little helpers! Samuel was with us too - but slept through most of the event!

My "reward" for all of this cleaning in the morning, was to enjoy a big magazine pile I've had sitting on my nightstand...

... and one of the most delicious library stacks I think I have ever had - I am totally hooked on Inter-Library Loan now that I know what wonderful books I can get!

I enjoyed getting some creative ideas for a Spring party I'm planning for the ladies next week from this book, a Christmas idea from this book and I'm totally loving this book and it's going on my gift list!

One last thought: As I was reading Isaiah 41 in my quiet time yesterday morning, this verse jumped out at me ~

Isaiah 41:20, " that people may see and know, may consider and understand that the hand of the Lord has done this, the Holy One of Israel has created it."

I had this verse marked because it was a theme verse while working at Glen Eyrie - but yesterday, it stood out to me in regards to my home. When others see our home (not the physical exterior, but our family and lives) do they see and know, consider and understand that God is the One who has built it - does He shine through it? I pray this is true.


Katy said...

Great job Monica!!!! It looks fantastic! :) Thank you for the encouraging words on my cleaning posts!! my boys are SUCH stinkers when I am trying to deep clean....sigh!

*carrie* said...


So funny you said "what WE did!"

Great idea to get the girls in on the big project. So glad you're enjoying those books, and that you treated yourself!

Wendi said...

Great job! Love that the girls are "swimming"... very cute!

Ann @TheAssetEdge said...

I love your reflections on Isaiah 41:20. What a good question for us all to ask ourselves!

Amy Looney said...

I used to do the same thing with quilts when I was a little girl! I loved reading your post about the girls "swimming" brought back a lot of great childhood memories!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Great job on your "sanctuary", Monica!!! I am sure you slept so soundly after all that!

And I love that verse and try to keep it in mind as well when we go about our daily business - especially on errands! I want people to see Christ in me, not a harried housewife!

Rachel said...

Great job on the cleaning! Your rooms look great! And it is fun to see you kids getting in on the action, too.

Unknown said...

Great Job Monica! It looks wonderful and inviting...and isn't it fun to involve the kiddos in the process?!

And can you tell me more about the Inter-Library Loan? What is that?

Amy said...

Awesome job! Your home is looking better and better- I am so proud of you. It is so neat to peek into other people's homes to gain encouragement. You are always a source for me!

Tracy said...

I stopped by the library to pick up books for the boys and couldn't help but grab some for myself. I keep "sneaking a read" and find time sneaking away as well! I really should do what you did and reward myself with them instead!

Farmhouse Blessings said...

Wow! It looks great. I especially loved how you involved your precious girls in the whole process. How fun!

Thanks you, as well, for sharing your scriptural reflections. The Lord has been bringing my mind often to similar reflections. It was just a confirmation of what I need to focus on!

I just finished my pantry & dining room. Slow but sure! Love having all the sweet support.

Be blessed, Lea

Lynette said...

Great job Monica, that is so great that you included your girls, they are so cute by the way and how creative to pretend to swim! Fun!

asnipofgoodness said...

This is so funny, I just discovered the same thing at the library, and requested some of the same books. Can you believe, they didn't have any of them on my list????? I really wanted to eee that bend the rules sewing. How was that?