Tuesday, February 19, 2008

It's That Time Again!

Big Beef and Juliet Tomato seeds were started over the weekend!


*carrie* said...

So exciting--I can't imagine starting seeds so soon! Hooray--spring is coming!

Wendi said...

How fun! I can't wait for spring to make it's appearance in the midwest.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that for us in the South Spring is right around the corner. I think we are going to plant blueberry bushes and strawberries this year. I have never planted anything so we will see how they fare. I also want to have tomatoes.
On another note, do you know exactly where your recipe for your homemade "cream of..." is? I was telling my sister-in-law and she was interested in trying it.
Thank you!! Elise

Monica Wilkinson said...

Elise - here is a link to the homemade cream soup mix:

Or, if that doesn't work, you can find it under Jan. 19, 2006 post.


Anonymous said...

Nevermind about the cream of...I found it.

Amy said...

I can't imagine starting right now- I am so jealous. I have big dreams for my garden for next year.

Anonymous said...

The weather at my home has been too glorious to stay indoors! We started seeds this morning too...
I love that you use your margarine containers. We planted in the blueberry containers we had- recycling at it's best. I can't wait to see how your plants turn out!


Anonymous said...

A BIG THANK YOU!! Your blog post left me inspired to consider our family's garden, even though it is dead of winter here! I hope you'll pop by and see what I had to say about it. No need to feel gloomy when surrounded by snow!

Have a great week!