Sugar Cookies
1 stick margarine (1/2 c.)
1/4 c. shortening
1 c. sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
2 1/2 c. flour
1 scant tsp. baking powder
Mix margarine, shortening, sugar, eggs and vanilla. Stir in flour and baking powder. Cover and chill at least one hour (or you can freeze at this point).
Heat oven to 400. Roll dough 1/8"-1/4" thick on lightly floured surface. Cut into desired shapes. Bake on cookie sheets for 5-7 minutes or until very light brown.
Frost with my favorite icing recipe! My sister used to try to make sure there were no two alike - I attempt this, but sometimes run out of time to be THAT creative!
Those look Yummy! We are making sugar cookies this weekend and I am going to use your icing recipe:)
I'm hoping to get some cure pictures of my girls in their aprons for our Christmas card:)
We make a sugar cookie that is very similar to your recipe-one my mom made with us when we were little. This is my absolute favorite cookie,too! In fact, I just mixed up a batch for Andy and I to bake tonight! I use a simple powdered sugar,hot water and vanilla combination for the frosting and make some green for wreaths and trees. Yum! I can't wait!:-)
These are my favorite, too! :) Looking forward to having some at your house!! Love you, Mom
yummy yummy! I love sugar cookies!!! I agree...i think they are my fave too!
I am a new vistor to your blog
I love baking wiht my kids. My DD Loves to do the frosting.
I had a tea party for her 17th bday recently and she colored, frosted and decorated the cupcakes herself (picture on my blog).
I think cooking is a great time with your family. My Son (away at school) is coming home and we make goodie tray gifts together.
Thank you for sharing.
God Bless
A new friend
We made these cookies yesterday & they were yummy! I'm not crazy about shortening, though I don't mind it every once in awhile, we still don't have any on hand. So I replaced the shortening w/coconut oil & they turned out great. Do not worry, You do not taste coconut oil. LoL This is the first year I have successfully made shaped sugar cookies. I usually do something wrong.
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