Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Making Your Home a Haven Challenge

Thank you for all of your great comments yesterday! I want to respond to several questions in future posts, but used my afternoon blogging time to work on the challenge - so did not get it done yesterday. Stay tuned for the answers!

Here is how we did for day two:

1. Refresh your spirit.

Our verse this morning was:

Matthew 6:20-21, "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven...For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
2. Do your morning routine.

We finished breakfast and our morning routine a little before 9 and started on our daily chores.

3. Take time to plan.

As mentioned yesterday, I always do this the night before. My chores for Tuesdays are always:
* Vacuum
* Laundry
* Clean Master Bath
* Iron

We finished all of these things. Both girls helped put the clothes in the washer and Emily always helps clean the bathroom. I iron while she watches a short morning movie. Our morning was not as photogenic as Monday! But, we did work together to accomplish the necessary tasks.

While folding laundry, we practiced Emily's verses A through E and started learning the F verse. This is one way I hope I invested my treasures in Heaven today as we read in our devotional at breakfast.

4. What's on the menu for dinner?

Broccoli Chicken Lasagna, French Bread and Salad. I didn't do much prep in the morning as I had cut up the chicken from Monday night's roast chicken and set the bread out of the freezer. The broccoli was already chopped and frozen from a previous chore - so everything was pretty well ready to assemble. I made two and put one in the freezer for future use!

5. Project of the day.

We put our aprons on again, started some Christmas music and simmered the same pot of spices. (Lots of you asked about the spices and I'd already planned to post this with an upcoming Mitford idea - so I promise to share the details!)

Today's projects were:
* Clean out, declutter, and organize a drawer, shelf or closet. Since I do my planning the night before I wasn't sure how my to-do list would match up with her challenge this morning, but I had already listed needing to clean out the cabinet next to my stove and when you see the pictures you will see why this needed done!

Thinking on our verse from yesterday - I was challenged when I opened this cabinet even in how I treat the possessions that God has entrusted to my care. This was an eye-opener to me as I looked at what a shambles I had let this become.


* Our second challenge was to tackle a project that I've been procrastinating on too long. Again, this was already on my list (in fact it has been for a few days) to clear off the top of the washer and dryer. It had become a place that I stashed all my craft projects and I hated that I let it get this way - but it was just one of those things that I hadn't gotten done.

How wonderful it is to walk by these tidy spaces now! These things definitely make my home seem like more of a haven than big cluttered spaces do! Visit Crystal's blog to see how others are doing on the challenge as well!


*carrie* said...


Great job on your projects! Now I want to go organize/de-clutter something. =)

Thanks for calling--love you!

Katy said...

Your day sounds like it went great and i love the projects you accomplished! Great job!!!

Anonymous said...

I know from past experience that these two spots are recurring challenges -- they look great!! Seeing your before/after photos is motivating! :) Love you, Mom

Barbie @ Mamaology said...

Way to go:) Isn't a wonderful feeling to look at those AFTER shots:)

I'm looking forward to your answers to some questions....when you get time of coarse:)

Wendi said...

Great job Monica! Your laundry area and cabinet look great. If you are like me I would keep going back to take a peek! I love when things are neat.

jenny said...

I can't tell you how encouraging it is for me to see your before pictures. Thank you for sharing them with us. I like your after pictures, too, though! :)

Susan P. said...

I absolutely love this idea! I was not familiar with Crystal's blog so I'm heading over there right now:o)

Anonymous said...

You have done such a great job. Isn't it great to look back and see all that you have accomplished.
I love that.
I wanted to let you know that I am hosting a great contest on my blog for Homeschool Estore. There is a wonderful prize and they have wonderful ebooks. Stop on over if you have a chance.
I would love to hear from you.
P.S. I love the pillow you shared with us. I think I will need to make one.

Amy said...

This is great, Monica! I am working on the same things, but just haven't been motivated to do the pictures :) Thanks for the inspiration- as always!