Friday, November 02, 2007

A Welcome Sight

I've had a rain check for a few weeks for eggs at Walgreens - yesterday I finally made it there when they had some. When I got home and opened the carton, I saw the above and it was so encouraging to see! As David said, "Let's try to find that brand more often!" I couldn't agree more!


Anonymous said...

what a wonderful surprise. I know there is another company that has scripture quoted on the disposable tin pans it comes in. I can't remember who but I think it is Edwards Pies.

Mary Ann said...

I've seen another company that does this on their eggs-it is really nice.

snarflemarfle said...

I love that bible verse. My grandmother would say it every morning when we were visiting.

Anonymous said...

My brand has the same thing! Bible verses on eggs!!! Crazy but very, VERY cool!

RedeemingGraceChurch said...

I've seen verses inside the eggs at Aldi - also at one time some of their kleenix boxes had scripture mixed in with floral designs.

Anonymous said...

How cool! It is refreshing to see that in this day and age. Promise Land Milk, hence the name, also has scripture on their milk bottles.

Thanks for sharing!

Andrea L.

Anonymous said...

When I buy eggs from Aldi they have the same verse. Love to see that when opening up the egg carton.

Southern Girl said...

I'm always happy to see packaging that proclaims THE Truth! Like the first commenter said, there's a pie company that has a verse at the bottom of their pie tins and here in Memphis, there's a snack company -- Brim's -- that I'm pretty sure has a verse on their potato chips and other snack bags. :)

It DOES make me want to give them more of my business.

Diane @ A Watered Garden said...

Makes you want to really support them and purchase anything they sell, doesn't it??

Wendi said...

Very refreshing! If I run across that brand I will be sure to buy it. I will also drop them a line to let them know how much that is appreciated!

My Blessings From Above said...

After I read your post I went and checked my eggs. They have the same verse! Funny I never noticed before and I buy these eggs at Aldi all the time.
I love your blog!