Thursday, October 25, 2007

Updated Feeds, Readers and Subscriptions!

Thank you for the feedback in the comments and via e-mail on how to get my blog up to date with the technology! (Meredith - your details were especially helpful!)

Two features I set up for your reading convenience are:

* Subscribe via your reader of choice: Bloglines, Google Reader, etc...
* E-mail subscription - click the link and subscribe to receive all posted updates by e-mail.

Both links are located under the "Credits" heading at right.

I appreciate all of your help and especially your patience as I am learning! Hope this helps!


Anonymous said...

I just signed up to get the emails sent to me. I'm so excited about this.You have great ideas and if I can keep up with you, my Christmas will be less stressfull too. Thanks. Lynn

jenny said...

I just tried to email you, but the message was returned. Do you have a new email address?

Monica Wilkinson said...

Jen - No change - my e-mail is still thehomespunheart (at) hotmail (dot) com. Remove parentheses and spaces. Hope that helps! :)

Katy said...

I am trying to figure all this RSS and feedburner stuff out..but is so confusing! AACK!

Pattie - Chicagoland, IL said...

Getting frustrated. I tried using the Google reader, as I do for other blogs and no go.

Then I looked and looked for the "credits" link you mention, but never found it.
