Monday, October 08, 2007

Catching Up!

Hi! You know the feeling when you get home and there is lots to do? I gave myself a little speech this morning that I don't need to get all caught up with everything today - it will still be there tomorrow and the next day to share the load!

We had a great trip to Florida! My parents met us there for the first half of the week and then we had family time the rest of the week. I'll share more as the dust settles around here! But, here are a few pictures of our wonderful time together!

A couple of other things:

~ Thank you to all the ladies who signed up for our swap! I am so sorry we could not leave it open to more, but appreciate you understanding that we simply had to limit the size. For those of you who did get signed up, swap partners will be assigned and e-mailed out by Wednesday, so watch your e-mail!

~ Several of you have e-mailed me and I am NOT ignoring you!!! This is one of my catch-up things and I will respond as quickly as I can! Thank you for writing!

Oh, I have so much I want to share - so it will likely be a heavy week of posting here! Have a great day, ladies - looking forward to catching up with all of you!

Emily swimming with Daddy!

Playing in the sand with my little ladies!

Riding the carousel at the zoo!

Grammie (my Mom) and Emily enjoying the waves!

Rachel getting a little shade from Pepaw (my Dad)!

Rachel enjoying the park.

Enjoying the view with Grammie.

Big girl Rachel walking around at the zoo - wants to keep up with her sister!


Wendi said...

Looks like you had a fantastic get away!

I am one who tries to get everything done right now. I also have to tell myself that the laundry, the dust and everything else will still be there tomorrow. Pace yourself and enjoy being home!

Amy said...

Your vacation looks wonderful! Those are some wonderful pictures of the kids!

So sweet!

Wendy said...

Found you through Joy...

Looks like a great time! What a beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

Welcome home!!! Looks like you had a wonderfully relaxing time! Seriously, was it cool enough to be wearing jeans in FL??? We can't even wear jeans here yet!!!

Anonymous said...

I am glad you were able to have a great time with your family!! It is always good to be back home though. I am with Stacey...was it that cool in Fl?
Glad you're back!

Anonymous said...

Aren't photos a great way to relive the memories of fun times?? We were so pleased to spend a few days with all of you -- thanks for all you did to make it work!

Hope you are feeling better and that you are able to pace yourself in getting things done!

Love you lots -- Mom

Anonymous said...

How cute!! Glad you all had a great time.

Andrea L.

Monica Wilkinson said...

To answer honestly, no it really wasn't cool enough for jeans - but that is what fits me and I feel decent in right now! :) It wasn't hot, but it was VERY humid and windy.

*carrie* said...


Great pix!

One thing at a time--talk to you this afternoon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Monica:

I know you had a wonderful & relaxing time together in Florida. I could vizualize all of you having a good time together!
Thanks for all the wonderful pictures...and the adorable Sunday Night movie! Take it easy, Honey.
Love, Grandma

Anonymous said...

Welcome home! Looks like you all had fun. Take your time getting it all done now that you are home. We'll all still be here.

sparrow's song said...

OMG-oodness, your children are so lovely. Glad you had such a good time.

Joy @ SAH Missionary said...

Oh, I am so glad that you had a great time! I'm also glad you are back! And, ahem, are your sure you are pregnant? :) You don't look the least bit preggo! :0

Katy said...

What great pics!!! Looks like a fantastic time!!! :)

Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

How fun! I love your little speech - you are so wise! :)