Thursday, September 27, 2007

Mitford Moments

Wow - it's been awhile since we made a visit to Mitford! So, I thought I'd list several things that jumped out at me in this post. I have been so surprised how many of you have written and told me you'd never read the books and have started reading them because of these little snippets! I hope you are enjoying your visits to this charming place!

More ideas of making our lives more Mitford-like include:
* A visit to the library!
* Help those in need. I love the town motto, "Mitford takes care of its own!"
Attend church and get involved.
* Be honest with one another.
* Spend a few quiet moments in a place that makes you thankful for where you live, see the beauty that surrounds you.
* Dream of possibility and change and take a step towards accomplishing it!
* Host a dinner party ~ here was our Mitford inspired dinner!

How do you incorporate any of the above activities into your life? I'd love to hear you ideas!


Mary Ann said...

Along with trips to the library, I've been more intentional about supporting local businesses much like the people in Mitford would. I think this creates a more small town feeling and a sense of helping your own community, and I like to feel that I am doing my part, even if its small!

Anonymous said...

Ahh. I love Mitford. Thanks for these moments. I loved your post on the mitford meal you and your mom made : ). Made me smile. tammyp

Katy said...

Hello! I am not quite sure what Mitford is exactly...a series of books? I will have to look into that! However, funny one of the things you mentioned was spending time being thankful for things around you...that was what my post was about this morning in my blog!
I just love reading your blog! :) Please check mine out...I have left something there for you!!!! :D

*carrie* said...


I'll enjoy this series even more now that I've started in. I'm really enjoying the first book.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

I just love these Mitford posts. I have started sharing the series with a friend of mine who hadn't heard of them before she loves them too.
I especially liked the part in this post where you mention "Attend church and get involved." My life is far richer for these things. I have also found that I have drawn closer to my church family as well as the Pastor and his wife through opportunities you have to do things together beyond Sunday service. I am mindful though to keep these extra activities inline with what my husband would like me to do and make sure my home and family are looked after before taking on any extra activity.
Thanks for your posts they are always such an encouragement!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I love Mitford, too.

Every once in awhile, I take one of the books off the shelf and re-read. I just sent one of my best friends a paperback copy of the last book in the series. She is saving it for when the cold winds blow.

I couldn't wait that long. It is one of the few books I bought at Barnes & Noble when it first came out in hardback. (Although I did wait a week because I knew it would be a bestseller so it would be 30% off then.)

I also received the cookbook as a gift. That is a great idea, making a complete dinner from it. I will have to do that soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
You won't believe it, but I happened upon your blog as I was searching for coupons for CVS deals. I 'hit' your blog due to your 'Deals of the Week' post! I'm so glad to find your lovely, wonderful blog, and I'll be back to visit often!
I LOVE the Mitford series, and I'm re-reading the whole set again for the umpteenth time! I do this about once a year, and I never get tired of it. Right now on this go-round, I'm on 'A New Song'.
Once again, I can't wait to go back and read through your previous posts...I can tell we have a lot in common!
Amy O. from GA

Barbie @ Mamaology said...

Your ideas are great! I've never read any mitford books myself, but you sure make it tempting:)

I really enjoy reading your blog! It inspires me to make my home a better place for my family:)

~katie~ said...

I have never read the Mitford series but since reading about it on your blog, I'm really inspired to do so! In fact, I think starter sets would make great Christmas gifts for the ladies in my family, and we can all start reading them together! :-) They sound very warm-hearted and wholesome. Those are the same reasons I like watching shows like The Waltons.

Susan P. said...

Ah, my very favorite posts!! I think one of the reasons we love Mitford so much is because it is the kind of town we would all love to live in. By giving us some wonderful examples you are inspriring us to create our "own little Mitford" right in our own hometowns! Thank you, Monica:o)

Phase II said...

I love your imagery of Mitford, i am on book 6 and cant wait to read 7 & 8. Is there a town like Mitford out there? I guess its wherever we hang our hats!


Christine said...

I recently started the Mitford series, and I am on book 3. I adore this collection of books. I wish the series would never end!Thank you for your Mitford Moments; they are delightful.

Anonymous said...

Awesome books! Come on over to and join us all on the "front porch" on the BB. I have been a part of the community for a few years now and met Jan at the Mitford Homecoming! She is an awesome person! Amber

Jthemilker said...

This week has been huge in "helping those in need." In the midst of a traggic accident, the neighbors (including myself) immediately presented themselves to help with anything and everything that's needing done. I've been milking cows.

Anonymous said...

I read about your blog through Mo Mhile Gra. :-)

I was excited to see your "Mitford Moments" post. I just came back from Mitford Days in Blowing Rock, NC a few weeks ago. If you'd like to read more about it, I'd love for you to stop by my blog.

When I was at Mitford Days, I heard Jan Karon speak. I loved what she said about how we can make Mitford real. Instead of waiting for people to reach out to you...reach in to them. :-)

I'm adding your blog to my "favorites" and will stop by again.