Monday, April 30, 2007

Mitford Moment: Charm

So many things we read in Mitford sound so charming and appealing for that charm. I have said to myself many times, "Something worth doing is worth doing with charm." What is it that gives something that extra appeal? Would it really take that much longer to do it that way? Usually the small investment of time reaps huge benefits when you enjoy that item each time you use it or see it.

For example, I recently had a post about keeping crumb topping in the freezer. To put the topping in a canning jar (which I love) took the same amount of time as it would to put it in a plastic container. To make the tag took the same amount of time as writing a label. Which will I enjoy more? Clearly, the jar with tag! Simple little things like this can make our lives seem and feel more beautiful to us because there will be beauty and joy in simple things surrounding us as we go throughout our day.

So, the next time you have a task - think to yourself, "Is there a way I can easily make this more enjoyable or charming for enjoyment later on?" See what happens!


Lisa said...

I love to start my day reading your blog. It inspires me to be a better wife, mom and woman.

I so enjoy your Mitford moments.


Wendi said...

I believe a little more effort is so worth the joy!

Susan P. said...

I am enjoying your "Mitford Moments" so much, Monica! You are so right, with just a little bit of extra effort we can make the simple things in life so much more enjoyable! Keep up the great work, you are an inspiration to so many:o) Big hugs, Susan P.