Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Spring Cleaning: Prize Update

There are thirty-one entries in our Spring Clean challenge which will end in a drawing for homespun goodies! This is so exciting! Keep it up - remember, each room is an entry into the drawing! Entries will be accepted through March 31, 2007.

So, as a little extra motivation - I'll reveal parts of the prize as we continue. We are at that spot now where we've gotten the motivation to get started, but now we need to keep going - this is a hard spot for me!

And, I don't know about you, but I'm enjoying and appreciating my home more as I'm cleaning it.

So, here's your first glimpse at the prize:

A set of recipe or index cards that I made and a measuring equivalents magnet for your fridge! Next week, I'll reveal more of the prize contents! :)


Wendi said...

What great prizes! I can't wait to see what other great things you reveal. How wonderful that you have been able to encourage so many people!

Another room down for me. I have posted an update on my living room.

Anonymous said...

Hey!! I am almost done my kitchen!! I will post some pics tonight when it is all done!! I have been fighting quite a few distractions and some exhaustion, but I am almost done!!

Oh, and the prize looks fun so far!!

Leanne said...

Hi Monica,
I have two rooms finished! Tomorrow, I tackle the kitchen, provided morning sickness doesn't overtake me...
Where did you get those cute little decorative keys?? I "need" some!
Have a blessed day!

Lisa said...

What a great idea for a prize!

I just wanted to make sure that you saw on your "laundry room" post that I had cleaned my first room.

This whole thing has really motivated me. I hope you do it again next year.


Monica Wilkinson said...

Wendi - Great Job! I'll enter you in the drawing!

Stacey - I know what you mean about the distractions - it's obvious that these things come when we're trying to take a big project like this on. But, I'm thankful for God's faithfulness in helping us persevere!

Leanne - Yeah! Good for you! Aren't those little keys great?! I found them in the scrapbooking stuff at Michael's and used a 40% off coupon to purchase them. I think there are 6 or 8 in a bag for $3-$4 (incl. the coupon).

Lisa - Yes - you're entered! Great job as well!

Have a great day, everyone! :)

mama k said...

I finished my bedroom this week. Not so exciting, but I'm still going to blog it. LOL

Anonymous said...

Now I'm REALLY motivated! Great Prizes! I already posted my kitchen but I'll tell you my husband's reaction...He walked in and said "Why is the kitchen glowing?" : )

Monica Wilkinson said...

Great Job, Mama K!!! Doesn't that feel good!?

Tracy - I LOVE it that your husband noticed the gleaming and glowing kitchen. Now, wasn't that a reward right there?! Very well done, my friend!