Monday, February 05, 2007

Tea Party: Favors

These bookmarks will be favors at our tea party coming up! One side is a list of practical things to do to encourage and bless your husband and the other side is filled with ideas and Scripture to pray for him.

Ideas to Bless your Husband!
Create a picnic lunch ~ take it to his work and enjoy it with him!
Write a note in his lunch or mail a card to his office.
Choose a Scripture verse that encourages you or reminds you of him and share it with him.
Shower him with affection.
Surprise him with a book or CD he has been wanting – just because you love him!
Make a favorite meal or dessert. Have a cheerful and content attitude. When he leaves for work, call and leave a message on his voice mail to greet him when he arrives.
Find out more about a hobby of his and talk to him about it.
Appreciate and encourage him.

Pray for your husband!
Freedom: 2 Corinthians 3:17
Spirit of Unity: Romans 15:5-6
The way I love, serve, and treat him: Matt. 25: 31-46
Protection of his reputation: Proverbs 31:23
A Man After God’s Own Heart: Acts 13:22
Opportunity to share the Gospel: Romans 1:16
Protection in spiritual battle: Ephesians 6:10-18
God’s work in his life: Phil. 1:6
Fruit of the Spirit: Galatians 5:22-23
Favor from the Lord: Proverbs 18:22
Wisdom and Faith: James 1:5-6
Words & Thoughts to Please God: Psalm 19:14, Phil. 4:8
Persistent Faith: Luke 18
Honesty: Psalm 24:16
An obedient heart: Isaiah 1:19
God’s provision: Phil. 4:19
A life that shows God to others: Daniel 6:26-27
Godly Love: 1 Corinthians 13
A Home that pleases God: Joshua 24:15b
Follow God’s example: Ephesians 5

We're also planning to give each guest a homemade notecard and envelope with a tea bag inside. Then, we will suggest that this card be used to send a note of encouragement to a friend!


Lisa said...

This is such a wonderful idea. To be honest I don't think of and do things to encourage my husband enough.


Chrissy said...

This is so timely as this has been on my heart and mind so much lately.

Thanks for the sweet comments you left me ~ I really am looking forward to the tea party too!

Christy said...

Thank you for sharing! Wonderful ideas. Love the bookmarks.