Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Dessert Picnic

Apparently I'm on a picnic theme lately! I always love picnics but the weather has been especially enjoyable here recently and it feeds my desire to be outside! Mother's Day started with me waking up early and getting up to check my email but then I got sleepy again and went back to bed! When I woke up the second time, Rachel had made chocolate chip pancakes and served me in bed! What a delightful surprise and treat!

We enjoyed a very relaxing day with leftovers, a Hallmark movie and talking to my Mom! I suggested a dessert picnic and walk during golden hour and it was so enjoyable!



We walked two miles and enjoyed lots of beautiful scenery, saw many birds and just had fun being together! With the windows down on the way home, all three in the back seat got to singing at the top of their lungs and it was one of the things I know I will miss when our kids are grown!

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