Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Christmas Eve

I mentioned on Instagram that we had skipped many of our usual Christmas traditions simply out of necessity. The past few weeks have found us just keeping up - but in the midst of that - we were able to do some fun things and especially to make some fun for our kids and the cousins!

One thing my kids look forward to is the Christmas Eve pj hunt! And we were successful with this! We made only one kind of cookies {the world did not end!} and in fact, a friend of my sister's gave her a baggie of homemade cookies that really rounded out our cookie selection on Christmas Eve!

I took some time on Sunday afternoon and did a little crafting - beauty making definitely feeds my soul. And we enjoyed a candlelight Christmas Eve service as well.

I was more reminded than ever of how much we need Christmas - we needed Jesus to come as a baby to save us so that we have hope in death and sorrow. Hard times will come and having Him as our hope and peace is something I can't imagine living without.

And, we were together with loved ones. Looking back over the past few weeks, I see how many things we have to be grateful for. Am I grateful for the hard? Not necessarily, though it was not unexpected in many ways. But I am grateful that my Dad is no longer suffering, he is healed and whole, he has no more sickness and no more pain. That is a tremendous thought and comfort.

Friend, as we welcome a new year - I want you to have this hope as well. Please reach out if you want to know more or have questions.

A sweet blog friend sent me a link to this great article: What Grieving People Wish You Knew at Christmas.

And now, for a few fun little handmade decorations for our table! These mini clipboards are at Michael's for $3.50 and I've found them at two different stores on an end cap in the framing department. I have had one for a year or so but recently got two more. They are fun just sitting by themselves with a cute pattern on them. But I also loved using mine recently when I took a fun drink to share with some homeschool moms - I popped a little Pumpkin Spice Latte sign on there and it was so cute! Here is another fun idea - layer some fabric and paper to make a fun table decoration. They make great favors or small gifts too.

After being inspired by my Christmas devotional, I wrote the meaning of each name on the back of the placecard tag. Then I wrote a little Christmas reading that told many details of the Christmas story incorporating the meaning of each person's name. I thought it was special to see how it is God's story and each of us are a part of it!

We are home now and getting caught up on all.the.things. All of our family gifts were still at home, so we are celebrating Christmas again this week as well as setting up the calendar for a new year and some reflecting on 2018 and goal planning for 2019.

Also, be sure to check out my podcast with Crystal @ Money Saving Mom which airs today!

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