Happy New Year friends!
I've sort of been on the fence about having a word for the year as the past few years it just hasn't stuck with me or clicked like it did when Slow was my word! But on a stressful day just before leaving home for a month, I was driving Rachel to ballet and the word glorify came to me as I realized that the source of many of my current struggles is simply being focused on myself.
I don't feel like....
I don't want to....
I'm irritated about....
I'm frustrated about...
I'm worried about...
I'm too tired, weary, overwhelmed, etc.
I this, I that.
All of this has really opened my eyes to how very selfish I am and much of our struggles at home are my lack of diligence, discipline and my ease at falling in discouragement. I want this coming year to be focused on glorifying God.
There are some specific areas that I am seeking God to work on in me and specifically that I would glorify Him in these things.
Body: watching my portions, taking vitamins and walking
Marriage: date nights and setting aside more time for David
Tongue: watching my words
Mothering: being engaged
Finances: wisely stewarding and saving
Outreach: sharing my faith and reaching out beyond my normal circles or comfortable people
Time: relax, lessen expectations and control
Mind: Scripture memory
Teacher: homeschool encouragement
Writer: seek God on how/when to proceed with future writing, heal from publishing experience
Home: organize and purge but with grace
My goal and hope is to focus on one of these areas each month - I'm glad there aren't twelve so I have a little room for grace. Right now, I'm searching God's Word for appearances of this word glorify and letting those thoughts sink deep into my heart and mind as I contemplate what they mean and how to apply the truths learned to my own life.
We sang a new song at church and it fits perfectly with this theme!
Good morning, friend! I love your word for 2018 and I will be praying that the Holy Spirit will bring it to mind often and that you will be aware of it. My word for the year is REST, because I realized close to the end of the year how much I had begun to strive and try to live out of my own strength. While I'm here, I've been searching back through your past posts for over an hour now, trying to find the one where you linked to the website where you buy some of your cute cardboard sandwich boxes, cardboard fruit crates, straws, milk bottles etc. I thought I had the website saved, but I can't find it ANYWHERE! So if you know the site I'm referring to and can point me to it, I would GREATLY appreciate it!
Loved the song! My word is peace. I am striving for feeling of calm, rest, quiet and contentment. Oh how I need this! So far my favorite verse on peace is John 14:27
A few years ago I chose the word "consider" and had a bracelet made from Ann Voskamp's son. I don't normally choose a word...I choose a verse ( and this is my 30th year of doing so!) At that time, consider was hot Heb 12:3. This year, Haggai 1:5 has convicted me, and again the word is "consider". I will be exploring this further, and like you, seeing the areas I need to consider my ways in.Praying you will have a good year glorifying Him! In His Grip Always, Lynnebee🐝💜
Hi Kimberly! Try www.shopsweetlulu.com :) I love your word: REST!
Wendi: I love the word PEACE, what a great choice for this year!
Hi Lynnebee! I love that word too and the depth of what it holds!
Blessings to each of you!
Beautiful song and Word. Mine is Obey.
The word I chose for this year is quiet.
Hello dear friend. I’m so glad to check in with your blog. Praying for your year and your goals. I haven’t ever chosen a word focus for a new year before, but this year it was really on my heart. I chose “receive” - to focus on God’s gifts, the Holy Spirit’s leading, and to receive blessings from others. I’m such a do-er that it’s not always easy for me to receive from others let alone from God. I have also been reading about the Enneagram and how God made me. I’m working on getting healthy after many years deeply focused on my children and my community. I need to be filled so I can overflow. Love you and hope to regularly check in. I’ve been missing your thoughtful words and pictures.
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