Friday, June 10, 2016

What to Expect From my Book

My sister recently sent me a link to an interview with Emily Freeman. One of the things Emily talked about was how for an author, it can be tricky to describe or explain our own books. She realized that what readers really wanted to know is, "What's in it for me?"

I'm finding this to be true also, and thought it would be helpful for me {and maybe some of you too} to process and practice this concept here.

When I hear a title or see a cover, it creates a mental image or expectations of what I think the book might be like. Sometimes I'm disappointed by not liking a book as much as I thought I would and sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised. Sometimes I really like an author yet don't really connect with their writing.

So I guess the first thing I'm doing is acknowledging that I am a real reader too - I don't connect with every book I read and I prefer certain styles over others. Just because you are my friend, you don't have to love my book, ok?!

Ok, so let's talk about my book Slow Lane: The Beautiful Art of Slowing Down. This is the message I feel compelled to share. It won't meet every expectation, it won't be what someone else would write or organized the same way another author would present it. My responsibility is faithfulness to this message God has entrusted to me at this time for whatever reasons He knows and chooses.

Some particulars - you can expect my book to be about 300 pages. I'm describing it as part book, part journal, part Bible Study with lots of full color photos sprinkled in. It will be hard back so it will lay open nicer when you are trying to work through the study or application sections.

My book is not divided into traditional chapters, rather it is divided into larger parts and then sectioned smaller within each part.

This book includes some verse cards you can cut out from the back and hole punch or simply carry with you to choose slow over stress. It includes an art print of the Beautiful Slow logo you've seen on tshirts here frequently.

I hope it will be visually inspiring, a mixture of practical and introspective components and an opportunity for you to consider both a slow state of mind and heart as well as physically slowing your schedule in real life.

For those of you who have asked how you can help - an Amazon review would be so helpful if you have a few minutes to leave constructive feedback that could help others know if this is something they'd enjoy reading.

Like the spreading of dozens of dandelion seeds {above}, I hope this book will spread seeds of slowing down through individuals, families and communities all around us in the months ahead!

If you have a question that I didn't address here - I'd love to hear it!

Photos: More of our creek-side picnic and doing our part to increase the dandelion population.


domenica.60 said...

I think to read your book is really like taking a breath of air ! what a pity it isn't in my language!
Wishing you a nice weekend ,

angie said...

I've forgotten to pre-order your book! I wil look in past posts to find the link to do so.
I was pleasantly surprised to learn that your book will be interactive. That thrills me! I retain so much more when I am engaged with text. This sounds like a book that I will work my way through s-l-o-w-l-y.
Will the pages be stock paper or glossy?

*carrie* said...

Lovely post, Monica. Glad that question/insight resonated with you, and looking forward to seeing the finished product--hopefully soon!!