Thursday, January 07, 2016

The Slow Strengthening Work

A friend recently bought a vintage quilt top and asked me to help her finish it. As I've been working on it, it strikes me at how quickly the back goes on, how easy it is to stitch the layers together and how finished it looks after that first step.

But, there is more to it. It needs to be quilted. The hand stitching is slow and time consuming one simple pull of the needle and thread at a time. Yet it is these stitches that strengthen this quilt and make it longer lasting and stronger. These unseen stitches are done in quiet and without show. You can barely tell they are there.

Isn't that how it is with our lives too? This work of strengthening our souls is quiet slow work. Yet just like it is important in quilting not to skimp so much more so on the inward work of ourselves. If we scrimp, we'll notice it later on.

Don't let the slow, quiet, needed work of strengthening get pushed aside. Embrace it for the beauty it is now and what it will add to your heart and soul in the days and years to come.


Shelby said...

Very true:)

Chas said...

All this. Yes!

Unknown said...

Beautiful analogy. Thankyou.

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

This is such a lovely analogy. You are so right. Neglect of inner strengthening will always show up later on. Beautiful!

Stephanie said...

Well said.

Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered said...

love this - analogy!! So true!

Tina Leigh said...

I think concentrating on my faith/relationship in God is just what you are talking about here. I have endured some bad times but there can always & will be worse times. I want to know what I know more, better, that my God is real, alive & working & drawing me. So when those "worse" times come..I will be firm & respond in a way that draw others to Him & not push them away.

Mom said...

What a great lesson and reminder! :)