Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Back to School Mantel

I've had more fun this year with my mantel! After enjoying our Patriotic display, I knew I wanted to transition to a little back-to-school with a few nods towards Fall {which I can hardly wait for!!!} I had fun browsing Pinterest for ideas/inspiration and then shopped our house for things that would fit the theme.

The only thing I "made" was the printable ABC's found here. Everything else was somewhere else in my house and I spent a grand total of: zero!

Ruler Wreath link here.


Shelby said...

Oh I love it Monica. Beautiful:)

Unknown said...

So cute!:) congrats on not spending money, that's a bonus!:)

Elise said...

Yes! I was about to say that I detect a hint of early FALL! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Just lovely!

Your children are blessed to have you take some time to make your house a home.

Theresa said...

Looks great. I love, love, love that "as for me and my house" picture. Is that a folk art by David piece?

Shelby said...

Monica I love the ruler wreath, I can't remember but I think you made that. I tried to search on your blog but I couldn't find it.

Monica Wilkinson said...

Hi Shelby: Yes! I did make it a few years ago. You can find out more here: http://thehomespunheart.blogspot.com/2012/08/first-day-of-school.html