Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Doodle Crate
Somewhere I got the idea I wanted to give our girls a craft-of-the-month-club for Christmas. I figured something must exist and yes, I could do it myself - but would I and how much easier would it be {and more fun!} if it came in the mail?!
I commenced on an internet search of craft clubs and the options available. This was my favorite one - this is not a review that I was asked to do, just sharing for fun.
So far, we have completed one box and I loved how everything was in the box and ready to go. It was not me scrounging for lots of at-home supplies to fill out the list. This created a less-stress environment for mama and girls to craft in - hooray. And, I like that for once I am not the one coming up with the idea and executing it. I love doing that - but sometimes it is fun to try something different that someone else came up with.
The girls and I have talked about saving these projects for them to gift throughout the year when they are invited to a party needing a gift. I imagine at some point I might let them keep a project or two - but the point is the creating and the doing it together not adding more projects to our house that I don't know what to do with. Win-win.