Monday, December 15, 2014
Undeserved Gifts
On our road trip to Colorado, my eyes were open to unexpected gifts poured out on us. When we stopped at a Wendy's for Frosty's and I had coupons for two free ones and we were given three free ones just because. Or when I delivered some Christmas gifts from a sweet friend to her sweet sister and she gave us this amazing bag of things to enjoy in the car including a craft kit, super fun paper and yummy treats.
I found myself teary for at least the next half hour because of this kindness and overwhelmed at her thoughtfulness. And, then it came to me that these undeserved gifts and unexpected kindness are such a beautiful picture of Christmas. Talk about an undeserved gift and unexpected kindness that affects us for all of eternity.
It was also striking to me how easy it is to give and give and give and how hard it is to receive. I confess I am not a good receiver of undeserved kindness and grace.
Can you imagine how welcoming this scene was after driving all day and arriving at my Grandma's home? So inviting, welcoming, peaceful, homey and cozy. I've frequently said that going to trouble is one way I show love and that is what my sweet Grandma does too. I realize it can be hard when someone goes to a lot of trouble for you because you may feel overwhelmed in receiving it or knowing it is not in you to return that.
Here is something my Mom and I have talked about. There is blessing in giving and there is blessing in receiving. Think of this: those who give are responding to who God has created them to be. They are wired to give and it is life-giving to them. Those who give need there to be souls who are willing to receive graciously. The success of their giving hinges on someone being there to receive. Those who receive are obeying God too by allowing the giver to give.
Of course, this is not without balance, but I hope the heart of what I'm trying to share is coming across. Even when it is hard to receive, God has put the giving in the heart of the giver and all I need to do is open my heart graciously to be poured into.
Thank You, Lord for your most perfect undeserved gift! And, for allowing me to both give and learn to receive.