Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Celebrating Ten: Be Flexible

We had planned a walk and picnic lunch for our second day - but it was too chilly and windy to enjoy that. So, we had an indoor picnic! I shopped the house and found lots of fun little things to dress it up.

The first morning, I spied this little blue suitcase in the bathroom - it was holding a first aid kit. I knew it would make a perfect picnic basket when we went on our picnic! It was super fun! And, then we had fun playing a couple of games we brought with us.

See how I wing it? I found the ratty lantern out in the yard. It was dirty and falling apart. The handle is detached, but I didn't care! I took out the filthy glass part inside and slid in the candle I'd brought from home! I had brought the berry boxes and a few little fun papery things but I didn't have anything to line the berry boxes with - fabric scraps to the rescue! With what little was left from the quilt, I cut two squares and those fit perfectly in the bottom of our berry crates.

I had made brownies a few days before leaving home and when I was scrounging for desserts to bring, I grabbed a pumpkin shaped cookie cutter and cut two. Done. See? It takes inspiration and motivation, yes, but need not take tons and tons of time. I love to improvise and make do with what is available. Another example - I needed something cute to put the apples in. This canning jar was in the cabinet with little coffee stirrers in it - easy to swap out and use for apples.

I forgot to bring any necklace except the one I was wearing when we left home and was delighted at how it went with everything I brought in a new and unexpected way. We finally got out of our pj's by 2ish and had a ball wandering Target with no agenda and no time frame. Scored some fun clearance!