Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Slow Journal
Today was super hard and I lost it with my children like I wish I had not. Clutter and wasted time get me every time. Even though I try to manage before it gets to a breaking point, it catches up sometimes.
On the up side, it is very cold for here and we have a cozy fire and I just drank a steaming cup of what I think may be the best hot chocolate I've ever had. You need to know about this and by the way, you can make it in your Crock Pot. I know, can it get any better?
Speaking of sitting by the fire, I've also been enjoying this virtual snow DVD my mom gave me for Christmas! It is so peaceful and I know some of you with real snow are rolling your eyes, but imagine living with none. I know you can imagine living without the hassle of snow. But really imagine without the wonder, the stillness, the peace. It's sad I tell you - but this snow beauty with nothing to shovel and have to get out in - now that is brill-yon-tay. {do you ever say brilliant like that?!}
Back to the slow journal topic. Here is something that came to mind today - just like everything slow can be an idol. I can have certain expectations or hope for things to be a certain way and they just don't go the way I hope or plan which adds stress not peace. This is frustrating for me, but I really want God to teach me through this how to maintain a slow spirit and heart in the midst and not react.
In a couple of recurring stress-inducing situations with my little loves, I am praying for wisdom, guidance and leading in knowing how to manage in the future. Are there changes I need to make or implement? Expectations adjusted? It all makes me want to hyper-ventilate and that is a thief of slow and peace.
Next thought is this: there is an enemy that does not want this slow and peace to succeed in our home. He does not want me to feel like we are succeeding, wants me to feel discouraged, out of control and overwhelmed. I must not give in to that. It is so easy to do - but I must not listen to that voice.
This is a perfect opportunity to cover this in prayer, seek refuge in my God even more and listen for His leading. When I am in a slower frame of mind - I am more primed to listen and more open to hearing.