Monday, December 02, 2013


I'm sure you have guessed by now from my photos of road tripping and snow that we are in Colorado! What a treat that God provided a way for our immediate family to be all together for Thanksgiving.

Our first celebration came the night before as we honored and recognized the accomplishment my Dad completed a couple of weeks ago. Though to be honest, he accomplishes great things by living each day - enduring medication, treatments, tests, limitations, etc... I love the quote I saw on my parents windowsill the night we arrived, "Living is Winning ~ Glory to God"

It has been five years and about ten days since we first heard the news of cancer in our family. We've been given a gift of five years and counting and I do not take this lightly or for granted. I know we've made the most of every opportunity and enjoyed every moment we've had together making tons of new memories which I will treasure all of my days.

When my Dad was diagnosed, he was a big runner. Marathons, up Pikes Peak, an extended marathon, etc. I am not even close to enjoying running so anyone who enjoys running seems to amaze and overwhelm me :)

But, wow - completing marathons with a cancer diagnoses that included the cancer already being in your hip bone? I don't know if that is downright amazing or crazy or both?! We always say Dad is over the top and in this instance it is definitely true!

When the impact of running was getting to be too much, my Dad took up cycling - both on a mountain bike and a hand cycle - this dude is fit!

Anyway, he has been logging all of he miles he has run/walked/biked and cycled in a journal for the past five years {and more really} and had made it his goal to hit 10,000 miles by the five year mark of his diagnosis. Take that cancer.

He has now surpassed 10,000 miles but my Mom had planned a low-key but meaningful celebration to honor his achievement our first night all together. I don't know if I will ever hear the song 10,000 Reasons again and not think of this night and all the thousands of reasons, memories and moments I have to be grateful for especially in relation to my Dad.

Dad, we are SO proud of you, so thankful to God and so honored to have been able to be here to celebrate this achievement with you. Life is a marathon for you and you are winning step by step and day by day. Love you so much... {CAN! Thank you, Jesus}

We are proud of you, say we are proud of you! {clap, clap, clap} come on, cheer with me! I'm opening the comments today so you can join me in cheering on my Dad and praising God with us!


Lisa said...

I will think of your family every time I hear "10000 Reasons" from now on too! It was wonderful to read your post, and I am so glad your dad is doing well. Enjoy visiting in Colorado!

Jen said...

Monica, Your post brings tears to my eyes. My dad, too, was a runner, biker, etc. and when he was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2009, he responded much the same way your dad has! He just found new ways to do the same old things and stay fit! Sadly, my dad took a bad fall last November and never recovered and went home to be with the Lord in April. At his memorial service, my brother and I sang "10,000 Reasons"! :-)

You and I have much to be grateful for! My dad was taken much too soon (he was just 70) but I had the best and godliest dad for 45 years and I will never take that for granted! Congratulations to each of you! God is good!

Wendi said...

Praise the Lord! As I read this some of the lyrics from Our God by Chris Tomlin were floating through my mind.

Our God is greater, our God is stronger
God You are higher than any other
Our God is Healer, awesome and power
Our God, Our God...

Your dad is certainly an inspiration. I am looking forward to future post of his accomplishments. Continuing to pray for healing.

Enjoy your family time, my friend!

Lisa @ Simply Things Family said...

What a great accomplishment for your dad! So happy that you all could share this special moment together. May you all have a blessed time together! Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Congratulations to your sweet dad on this incredible milestone! He is an inspiration to all of us…in sickness and in health!!! Beautiful tribute, Monica!!!

Jennifer said...

Congratulations to your dad! I am so happy to hear he is doing so well that he is able to complete marathons :)

Anonymous said...

This post gives me 10,000 more reasons to sing in my heart today!!! Congratulations to your Daddy! woohoo!!! I LOVE the photo of you all together :-) Have a blessed Christmas! (and that is my favorite song) Love in Him, Lynnebee

Peggy said...

Congratulations! and how incredibly sweet for you to allow us to join in your celebration with you! Do you know you are a testimony of the life your parents have lived?! I am so blessed to have "met" you a few years ago... and continue to be blessed by you. Your loving spirit shines through! So I would like to say thank you to your Mom & Dad.... because they inspire you!

Jennifer said...

So glad you could all be together to celebrate such a wonderful accomplishment. Your dad is truly an inspiration

Lauren (in Savannah) said...

Congrats to your dad Monica!!! That is awesome! It sounds like your dad lives the life God has given him to the fullest! It is so wonderful you are making many sweet memories with your family :)

~katie~ said...

Giving thanks to God and rejoicing with you all!!!

Isaiah 40:31

Blessings to your whole family,

Leanne said...

that is such a wonderful story! I am a runner... I would be very sad to give it up... we had a friend who had a bone marrow transplant this past year...and I think everyone has had a chance to learn that in some ways cancer can be a GIFT...
I noticed the ADORABLE picture of the kids in your blog header...they looked so cute and grown up! thank you for sharing your stories, your pictures, and your heart with us, Monica...I've read you every day for nearly 8 years!
Merry Christmas!!!

Heather said...

What an amazing accomplishment cancer or not! Kuddos to your Dad for being an inspiration to us all!

And many blessings on you all as you love and appreciate and celebrate each other and God. There is a focus that comes with something so hard to fathom like cancer. The things that are most important really become the most important things finally, don't they? Praying for good health for your Dad! And congratulations on an amazing feat!

Ellie said...

Monica, congratulations!!! And what a wonderful Thanksgiving blessing, especially that you could share it all together! I am so glad that your dad is doing so well!

Ginger said...

Absolutely wonderful! How good God has been to your family!

angie said...

Since there are 5280 feet in a mile, we can presume that your dad has placed his trust in God by putting one foot in front another 52,800,000 times! I'm delighted that you shared this special celebration with your blog 'family.' We will keep rejoicing and praying.

Karen said...

Praising the Lord with you for this accomplishment! So glad your family is able to celebrate this milestone!

I'm gonna be thinking of your dad now every time I hear that song, too.

I'll say a prayer for him each time he crosses my mind.

STITCH said...

Praise God!! What a blessing! Thanking the Lord with you today for each mile he has given your dad and your family together. Praying that God would bless him with tens of thousands more.

STITCH said...

Praise God!! Thanking the Lord with you today for each mile he has giving your dad and your family together! God's grace is amazing!! Praying that he will bless your dad with tens of thousands more.

Anonymous said...

10,000 Cheers for 10,000 miles by a SUPER GREAT guy! We love you Dan and are SO proud of you and your accomplishments. Praise be to our Heavenly Father! (Thank you Jesus!!)
Love, Grandma/Mom

joysmallpack said...

I want to cheer with you too, Monica... cheering in giving God the glory! I agreed with what someone else wrote, "Beautiful tribute!" I remember when you shared about your Dad's cancer five years ago. One of my favorite parts in what you wrote today is the third paragraph. I know that feeling of the acknowledgement and awe that we've been given ___ more years as a gift from God to continue to treasure time with that very, very special loved one. As you've shared over the years, we've been able to see you 'make the most of every opportunity' and how RICH that is, enjoying and SAVORING each moment together. I also want to say that over the years it is always neat to see glimpses of your Mom's ideas or encouragement to you (reminds me so much of my mom!!) and I love, love, love her idea she had here for the meaningful celebration, and the little touches I see in the photos. Mother and daughter, you are both a beautiful team, and kudos to your Dad and his big accomplishment, and glory to God indeed! ~annmarie

Anonymous said...

Love this post and so thankful for your Dad's amazing accomplishments!!! Congratulations!!!!! I rejoice with you all!! And i love that song 10,000 reasons!! tammyp

Mrs. Chrissy T said...
