Monday, August 20, 2012

{Open Tabs}

I really want to make this Mason Jar Chandelier ~ any ideas on getting those circles cut without the proper tool?

My littles LOVE doing Family Dinner Questions - I need to print more!

Another project - maybe for Christmas? Mercury Glass DIY

My Thanksgiving and Fall board is growing as is my inspiration!

Sophie's Masterpiece - a lovely read for the littles and their creativity-and-beauty-lovin'-Mama!

A lovely post by sweet Joy! The title draws me in instantly: Cultivating a Home of Peace!

This blog header is so inspiring and dreamy!

Stuffed animals are taking over - I want to try this solution!!! Brilliant! Couldn't find an in-stock cover, but look at this cute option - maybe I could just take the stuffing out?

We watched Monumental over the weekend - WOW! It was a borrowed copy and the same night I ordered our own copy - this is the kind of thing I want my children {and myself!} watching and learning and discussing! Why have we never heard of the National Monument to the Forefathers?

I've made these yummy rolls twice in the last week subbing garlic for the rosemary! Yum!

A stack of sandwiches in the freezer for CC mornings: idea courtesy of Crystal!

This has sort of evolved to more than open tabs, but also random things!!


Lisar said...

Hi Monica, re the mason jar you want to use the tea light candles? If so, could you just use some really strong glue to attach the lids to the timber and then you would not need to cut out the holes?? Just an idea. Lisa

Heather's Blog-o-rama said...

Hi Monica,
That Mason jar chadelier is fabulous.I hope you find the right tools to make it, because it's just lovely :) :) :)

I saw those play shapes that your kids were playing with..the geometric shapes. I had a set just like that made out of wood when I was a kid. That brought back many happy memories. It was so fun making my own colorful patterns.

I haven't seen "Monumental" yet...but I really would like to. In fact, I think I'll ask some friends on Facebook if they have the DVD that I could borrow!!! Thanks for mentioning that ;) :)

Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

Michele said...

1- I believe that we have a jigsaw downstairs in our shop. We're not that far away from you. Just sayin'.

2- I've been wanting to try that faux mercury glass for years. I have a lot of neat bottles and jars that will have no purpose after Becca's wedding. We could meet up and try out the tutorial.

3-One of my children had a deep love relationship with her stuffed animals. As in at least 40-50 had to sleep with her. When we went on trips I had to enforce a strict rule of only 28 animals. This child has been a nurturer all of her life. She would have been very upset at the thought of stuffing them into something where they couldn't breathe. If one of your kids are like that, you might want to reconsider. If not, then you could probably find a bean bag sewing tutorial online instead of buying one. It would be an easy thing to insert an invisible zipper into one of the seams.

Wendi said...

If you don't have a jigsaw maybe you could use a drill to make a hole and then use a hack saw blade to cut out the hole. I don't think a hack saw blade would cost much. It would just take some work. :)

I haven't made it through all of the links, but I will be back. I love your (open tabs) post!

Have you ever heard of Good Morning Girls?

Have a great week!

Rachel said...

You always find great ideas, Monica! I recently saw some bean bag covers in the Lands' End overstock/sale section so maybe that's an option. I should print out some dinner questions, too, as conversation at our dinner table could use a lift.

Penelope said...

What were the frozen sandwiches? I followed the link and couldn't find it.

Elise said...

I love your open tabs posts!!! I like that mason jar candlelier. Do you have a jig saw? I'm not even sure of what she said to use, but I was just thinking maybe if you traced the lid, then cut it with a jigsaw, that might work...
Lots of great ideas!!! I'm sooo ready for FALL!!!!!

*carrie* said...

I made a whole loaf's worth of PBJ over the weekend for Nathan's lunches. Love it!

Deborah said...

Monica, Love the ideas for Fall! the mason jar candlelier looks really great and a fun project to try!
Our church showed the movie for fifth Sunday in July and I was blown away. I was like you. Why have I never heard of this before. I want to vist this place and see it for mysself and want to take my grandchildren and grown children and plan for them all to see the movie also.

Monica Wilkinson said...

Penelope: they are just frozen pbj and peanut butter and honey :) Had not ever thought of it before seeing it on Money Saving Mom :)

Julie said...

Thanks so much for sharing your fall pinterest board - I'm very much enjoying looking at the fun projects and recipes you pinned! Thanks for sharing and providing some yummy inspiration for my favorite season. Blessings,