An obvious one, I know! But a definite must on my list for now! After putting Christmas things away and feeling the crunch of clutter - I was in a mood to purge.
Several boxes and bags have already been safely delivered to Goodwill and I have one more big bag to go through before this one is completely done. What a good feeling! I always picture our home breathing a sigh of relief when I take a big load of stuff to donate :)
I dropped off three boxes at a thrift store on Saturday and also pictured our house breathing easier for being less stuffed! :)
Love you, Mom
Agreed Monica, it is so refreshing to declutter:) I am working on our family room, this rooms seems to get the most clutter.
i completely agree, i have been purging a ton lately. found out just after Christmas baby #4 is on the way and we and the house need more room to breathe! I always seem to forget how much gear babies need and how much room bassinets, swings, high chairs, and everything else take up in our humble home. so thanks for giving me inspiration to clean out more!
Isn't it a great feelling!
I dropped off so many boxes that Mom asked if I had anything left in my home. I think she was shocked when I told her I wasn't done yet. I think my home wants a little more breathing room. :)
Oh, yes! Oh, yes! Oh, yes! We are on the same track - probably the same track as about 75% of homemakers are on now at the beginning of the year! Cleaning up and cleaning out... My boxes are sitting in the garage right now waiting to go to the thrift shop - and my house is waiting to breathe easier. (-: Praise the Lord for the BEAUTY of an organized home! It is amazing how much freer I can feel when we're not caring for so much extra stuff - and then I wonder how did I accumulate so much stuff since last year, especially when it's something that is usually on my mind all year round?!?!? Our family is especially keenly aware of this as we have spent so much of this past year cleaning out my late father-in-law's estate. As a child of the depression, he saved absolutely EVERYTHING - from family heirlooms to trash! It is sad that so much of it was ruined or unusable and could have been a blessing to his children or others throughout the years. However, I must note that he did come to know the Lord late in his life (just a few years ago) and is now rejoicing with his Savior, free from all his earthly burdens! Keep up the super job organizing & cleaning - you are spurring me on!! THANK YOU!
I wish I could do that, how do you select items you want to get ride of. I feel like I might need that eventually, or that I don't want to spend money to get a better one, it is good enough... Do you have any suggestions?
thank you
We are right in the middle of a move. Nothing like setting up items from one home into another to make you realize, if you don't LOVE it...let it go!!
Thanks for sharing your success & inspiration!!
We took several bags to Goodwill as well as giving several bags to friends. Still have more to go's a great feeling to clean/organize/declutter.
I love to see things going into the donation bags, separated according to where/who they are going. Yesterday, I dropped off a bag of clothing for the school nurse. She can always use spare outfits when kids have accidents, spills, etc.
I have been organizing and decluttering lately too! I think January just brings out the organization in me. Which is definitely a good thing : )
Thanks for the inspiration, Monica. I've been intending to do this for some time, but just haven't been home long enough to get anything done. Now that the weather is turning bad, hopefully I will get it done. I am planning to stay home all day Friday and clean things out! Wish me luck!
Love you, Grandma
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